3.2 Standalone messaging / 独立消息传递

RCS provides a Standalone Messaging service as described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]. It includes both text and multi-media messaging services using IMS-based OMA CPM Standalone Messaging instead of the SMS and the MMS.
RCS提供了一个独立的消息服务,如[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述。 它包括使用基于IMS的OMA CPM独立消息传递的文本和多媒体消息传递服务,而不是SMS和MMS。

The use of OMA CPM Standalone Messaging removes some of the limitations associated with a messaging service deployment based on the SMS and MMS services, e.g., the 160-character message size, content type, lack of display notifications for text messages and support for the service users with multiple devices.
OMA CPM独立消息的使用消除了与基于SMS和MMS服务的消息服务部署相关联的一些限制,例如,160个字符的消息大小,内容类型,缺少用于文本消息的显示通知和对拥有多个设备的用户服务的支持。

In addition, the RCS Standalone Messaging service supports interworking to SMS and MMS as described in [RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS].

A conversational view of the CPM standalone messaging is used in RCS.

3.2.1 Feature description / 功能描述

The feature list of the RCS standalone messaging service includes the following main features:

  • Standalone messaging (text and multimedia)
  • Delivery and Display Notifications
  • Support for multiple devices per user
  • Deferred Messaging
  • Support for the Common Message Store
  • Interworking with legacy messaging services

These features are further described in sections below.
这些特征在下面的章节中进一步描述。 Standalone messaging / 独立消息传递

The RCS standalone messaging capability employs the OMA CPM’s SIP-based standalone messaging as described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]. It evolves the two separate text and multimedia messaging mechanisms into one single and unified messaging framework. This converged messaging mechanism uses the combination of the Pager Mode messaging mechanism and the Large Message Mode messaging mechanism. The mode is selected based on the message size. Smaller messages are sent via Pager Mode and larger messages via Large Message Mode. This built-in capability of the RCS Standalone Messaging enhances the user experience by making the selection transparent to the user: the user does not have to choose between messaging technologies based on either the media type or artificially imposed size limits. In addition, the RCS Standalone Messaging further facilitates the transition from the currently distinct SMS and MMS messaging services towards a single all-IP Messaging services.
RCS独立消息传递能力采用如[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述的OMA CPM的基于SIP的独立消息传递。 它将两个单独的文本和多媒体消息传递机制演化成一个单一的统一消息框架。 此融合消息传递机制使用寻呼模式消息传递机制和大消息模式消息传递机制的组合。 基于消息大小选择模式。 较小的消息通过寻呼模式发送,较大消息通过大消息模式发送。 RCS独立消息传递的内置功能通过使选择对用户透明来增强用户体验:用户不必基于媒体类型或人为限制的大小限制在消息传递技术之间进行选择。 此外,RCS独立消息传送还有助于从当前不同的SMS和MMS消息传送服务向单个全IP消息传送服务的过渡。

The RCS standalone messaging includes support for the following specific features:

  1. In supporting both text and multi-media messaging, it does not make a distinction between text and multimedia messages.
  2. Its’ message delivery includes both 1-to-1 and group messaging including support for “reply-to-all” functionality.
  3. Imposes no limitations on the message size and media types. However, the maximum message size can be controlled by Service Providers.
    对邮件大小和媒体类型没有限制。 但是,最大消息大小可以由服务提供商控制。
  4. Capabilities for both broadband access and mobile access terminals.
  5. It can store a message exchange both in a local and a Common Message Store and to present a conversational view of the exchanged messages.
  6. Provides message delivery and display notifications.
    提供邮件传递和显示通知。 Delivery and display notifications / 传送和显示通知

Upon sending an RCS Standalone Message including a request for message disposition state, the sender shall receive a delivery notification and may receive a display notification.

If an RCS Standalone Message contains a disposition notification request targeted at a group of recipients or when multiple disposition notifications are expected to arrive for the same standalone message, the originating user may receive aggregated disposition notifications based on Service Provider policies. Aggregating disposition notifications may be performed by the originating Participating Function or the Controlling Function.
如果RCS独立消息包含针对一组接收者的处置通知请求,或者预期多个处置通知针对相同的独立消息到达,则发起用户可以基于服务提供者策略接收聚合的处置通知。 聚合处置通知可以由始发参与功能或控制功能执行。

In the case of delivering an RCS Standalone Message to multiple devices of the same contact/user, the terminating Participating Function shall, for each disposition notification type (i.e. delivery and display notifications), forward the first disposition notification received to the originator of the message and shall suppress the forwarding of subsequent disposition notifications received from the other devices that the message was delivered to.
在向同一联系人/用户的多个设备递送RCS独立消息的情况下,对于每个处置通知类型(即,递送和显示通知),终止参与功能将接收的第一处置通知转发到消息的发起者 并且应当抑制从该消息被递送到的其他设备接收的后续处置通知的转发。 Support for multiple user devices / 多个用户设备的支持

The RCS standalone messaging supports users with multiple devices. The RCS standalone messaging service shall be available on all of the RCS capable devices/clients of a user. More specifically, an incoming message shall be delivered to all clients of a user, which are online and capable of handling the RCS standalone messaging service. If all clients of a user were offline when a message has to be delivered, the message will be delivered to the first client that comes online if the message has not expired in the meantime. The procedures for handling the multiple devices are described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS].
RCS独立消息传递支持具有多个设备的用户。 RCS独立消息服务应在用户的所有RCS能力设备/客户端上可用。 更具体地,传入消息将被递送到在线并且能够处理RCS独立消息服务的用户的所有客户端。 如果用户的所有客户端在必须递送消息时离线,则该消息将被递送到第一个在线的客户端,如果消息在此期间没有过期。 在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中描述了用于处理多个设备的过程。 Deferred Messaging / 延迟消息

As opposed to immediate message delivery, the RCS “deferred messaging” is to temporarily hold the message in the terminating Participating Function and deliver it at a later time. Furthermore, the deferred messaging is to defer the delivery of standalone messages when none of the terminating RCS user’s devices is registered and available to receive the messages. In this case, the undelivered messages stay in the RCS Participating Function until they are either delivered to the user devices, are deleted or expire. The procedures for handling the deferred standalone messages are described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS].
与立即消息递送相反,RCS “deferred messaging”是临时将消息保存在终止参与功能中并在稍后的时间传递它。 此外,延迟消息传递是当没有终止RCS用户的设备被注册并且可用于接收消息时,推迟独立消息的传递。 在这种情况下,未传递的消息保留在RCS参与功能中,直到它们被递送到用户设备,被删除或过期。 在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中描述了处理延迟的独立消息的过程。 Interworking with legacy messaging services / 与旧式消息传递服务互通

The purpose of this feature on interworking between the RCS standalone messaging and the legacy messaging services, e.g., SMS, MMS, is to communicate, in a seamless manner, with devices or networks that support legacy SMS and/or MMS messaging services.
关于RCS独立消息传送与传统消息传送服务(例如,SMS,MMS)之间的互通的此特征的目的是以无缝方式与支持传统SMS和/或MMS消息传送服务的设备或网络进行通信。 Personal Network Blacklists handling / 个人网络黑名单处理

NOTE: In the present section, it is assumed that the BPEF as described in section 2.15.1 is provided by the Messaging Server.

When supported, the user defined Personal Network Blacklists are applied by the Messaging Server at both origination and termination of standalone messages.
当支持时,消息服务器在独立消息的发起和终止时应用用户定义的个人网络黑名单。 If any of the recipients of a Standalone message are found in the corresponding Standalone blacklists at either origination and/or termination, the Messaging Server:

  • At the originating side:
    • Removes the recipient at origination, and continues with processing the message to the remaining recipient(s). If the recipient is the only recipient of the message, then the message is discarded and an error is returned to the originator user.
      在发起时删除收件人,并继续处理该邮件给剩余的收件人。 如果收件人是邮件的唯一收件人,则会丢弃该邮件,并向发件人用户返回错误。
  • On the terminating side:
    • Stores the message(s) blocking event in the Blocked Folder.
    • Checks whether a notification should be sent to the user about the blocked message or not, based on Service Provider policies.

3.2.2 Interaction with other RCS features / 与其他RCS功能的交互

When RCS VV-Mail is deployed, Standalone Messaging service is used for new message notification to RCS clients with the RCS VV-Mail specific feature tag +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm". In this case the interworking requires operator specific handling. See RCS VV-Mail section 3.13 for further details.
当部署RCS VV-Mail时,独立消息传递服务用于向具有RCS VV-Mail特定功能标记+g.3gpp.iari-ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm",在这种情况下,互通需要运营商特定的处理。有关更多详细信息,请参阅RCS VV-Mail第3.13节。

3.2.3 High Level Requirements / 高级别要求

This section contains Standalone Messaging service’s high level requirements. These requirements are listed in two separate support aspects for client and server as follows:
本节包含独立消息服务的高级别要求。 这些要求在客户端和服务器的两个单独的支持方面列出如下: Client/device support / 客户端/设备支持

3-2-1 Delivery and Display Notifications: Supporting RCS user to request and receive notifications on the disposition state of a standalone message they have sent. Furthermore, the client device should allow both the sending and receiving users to optionally enable/disable the display notifications request and response, respectively.
3-2-1 交付和显示通知:支持RCS用户请求和接收已发送的独立消息的处置状态的通知。 此外,客户端设备应该允许发送和接收用户分别可选地启用/禁用显示通知请求和响应。 Server support / 服务器支持

3-2-2 Number of recipients: For the Standalone Messaging to support both 1-to-1 and 1- to-many (group) messaging features including “reply-to-all” for the group messaging.
3-2-2 收件人数:对于独立邮件,支持1对1和一对多(组)消息传递功能,包括组消息传递的“全部回复”。
3-2-3 Multiple clients/devices: The ability to support RCS users employing multiple RCS capable devices/clients.
3-2-3 多个客户端/设备:支持使用多个支持RCS的设备/客户端的RCS用户的能力。
3-2-4 Interworking with legacy SMS and/or MMS: The ability to interwork and communicate with other messaging servers supporting legacy SMS and/or MMS messaging services.
3-2-4 与遗留SMS和/或MMS的互通:与支持遗留SMS和/或MMS消息服务的其他消息传递服务器互通和通信的能力。
3-2-5 Deferred messaging: To defer the delivery of an RCS Standalone Message when none of the terminating RCS devices is registered and available to receive the RCS Standalone Message.
3-2-5 延迟消息:当没有终止RCS设备注册并可用于接收RCS独立消息时,延迟RCS独立消息的传递。
3-2-6 Delivery and Display Notifications: The server shall ensure that requests for disposition notifications and the notifications themselves are delivered correctly.
3-2-6 传递和显示通知:服务器应确保处理请求和通知本身正确传递。

3.2.4 Technical Realisation / 技术实现 Standalone messaging / 独立消息传递

The technical realisation of the RCS standalone messaging is based on the OMA CPM Pager Mode and Large Message Mode mechanisms as described in [RCS-CPM- CONVFUNC-ENDORS]. These messaging modes in conjunction with the 3GPP IMS functional entities as the infra-structure for the messaging functional entities are used as the platform for providing an end-to-end standalone messaging service.
RCS独立消息的技术实现基于如在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中描述的OMA CPM寻呼模式和大消息模式机制。 这些消息模式结合作为用于消息收发功能实体的基础结构的3GPP IMS功能实体被用作用于提供端到端独立消息服务的平台。

Both CPM Pager Mode and Large Message Mode Standalone Messaging mechanisms are based on the use of the IETF SIP protocol. The Pager Mode messaging uses the SIP MESSAGE method, which imposes a limitation for the maximum message size, while the Large Message Mode messaging uses dedicated SIP/MSRP sessions set up for the delivery of large messages without limiting the message size.
CPM寻呼模式和大消息模式独立消息传递机制都基于使用IETF SIP协议。 寻呼模式消息传送使用SIP MESSAGE方法,其对最大消息大小施加限制,而大消息模式消息传送使用专用的SIP / MSRP会话,用于传送大消息而不限制消息大小。

The maximum size of an RCS Standalone Message to be sent using the Pager Mode messaging cannot exceed 1300 bytes. Messages with size exceeding this threshold will be handled by the Large Message Mode messaging. Therefore, an RCS Standalone Message will be sent and delivered using either the Pager Mode or the Large Message Mode depending on the size of the message. This procedure is transparent to the user, i.e., the user does not make the decision to use either Pager Mode or Large Message Mode messaging nor do they see a difference in the service behaviour.
使用寻呼模式消息传送发送的RCS独立消息的最大大小不能超过1300字节。 超过此阈值的邮件将由大消息模式消息处理。 因此,根据消息的大小,将使用寻呼模式或大消息模式发送和发送RCS独立消息。 该过程对用户是透明的,即,用户不做出使用寻呼机模式或大消息模式消息的决定,也不看到服务行为的差异。

From the user access perspective, the same technology is used for simultaneous delivery to mobile and broadband access clients.
从用户接入的角度来看,相同的技术用于同时递送到移动和宽带接入客户端。 Pager Mode Messaging / 寻呼模式消息

Figure 22 presents an architectural view of the RCS standalone messaging employing Pager Mode messaging.

Figure 22: Standalone Messaging using Pager Mode / 图22:使用寻呼模式的独立消息传送

The detailed procedures for the sending and delivering of a message to the recipient are described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]. From the sending user client/device, the message will pass through the Participating Functions at the originating and terminating sides to be delivered to the intended receiving client(s).
在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中描述了向接收者发送和递送消息的详细过程。 消息从发送用户客户端/设备发出,将通过在发起和终端侧的参与功能,以传递到预期的接收客户端。

If the message is targeted for a group of recipient users, it will be sent from the Participating Function in the originating side to a Controlling Function, also in the originating side that will then perform the procedures for distributing the message to the Participating Functions attending the intended recipient clients.

The RCS Standalone Message delivery and display notifications will follow the reverse path that was used for sending the message.

As described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS], if the Common Message Store is provided any standalone message that is sent or received will be stored in the corresponding RCS user’s Message Store as described in Section 4.1.
如[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述,如果提供公共消息存储,则发送或接收的任何独立消息将被存储在相应的RCS用户的消息存储中,如第4.1节所述。 Large Message Mode Messaging / 大消息模式消息

Figure 23 presents an architectural view of the RCS Standalone Messaging employing the Large Message Mode messaging.

Figure 23: Standalone messaging using Large Message Mode / 图23:使用大消息模式的独立消息传递

A large text or multimedia message is sent from an RCS client and delivered to the target client using the Large Message Mode messaging mechanism as described in [RCS-CPM- CONVFUNC-ENDORS]. Through an MSRP session established following a successful SIP INVITE, the message will be passed through the Participating Functions in the originating and terminating sides to reach the intended recipient. The SIP INVITE includes the size of the standalone message and the content type(s) used in the message.
从RCS客户端发送大文本或多媒体消息,并使用[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述的大消息模式消息传递机制将其传递到目标客户端。 通过在成功的SIP INVITE之后建立的MSRP会话,消息将通过发起和接收侧中的参与功能以到达预期的接收者。 SIP INVITE包括独立消息的大小和消息中使用的内容类型。

The terminating Participating Function, amongst other procedures, performs the procedures for deferring messages if none of the intended recipient’s RCS capable devices is online.

If the message is targeted for a group of recipient users, it will pass through the Participating Function in the originating side to the Controlling Function also at the originating side before reaching the Participating Function(s) at the terminating side(s). The Controlling Function handles the distribution of the message to various target recipients. As in this case, a list of recipients will be provided along with the delivered message, each recipient has the possibility to send a reply to the sender as well as to all the other users that were addressed in the original message.
如果消息针对一组接收方用户,则它在到达端接端的参与功能之前,也将通过始发方中的参与功能传递到也在始发方的控制功能。 控制功能处理将消息分发给各种目标接收者。 在这种情况下,将与递送的消息一起提供接收者列表,每个接收者有可能向发送者以及在原始消息中寻址的所有其他用户发送回复。

The delivery and display notifications of a sent standalone message will follow the reverse path of the sent message.

As described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS], if the Common Message Store is provided any standalone message that is sent or received will be stored in the corresponding RCS user’s Network-based Common Message Store as described in section 4.1.
如[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述,如果提供公共消息存储,则发送或接收的任何独立消息将存储在相应的RCS用户的基于网络的公共消息存储中,如第4.1节所述。 Standalone Messaging Service identification / 独立消息服务标识

The RCS client shall populate the P-Preferred-Service header field in all CPM requests with the CPM Feature tag defined for the service, as described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC- ENDORS]. The S-CSCF or AS that performs the service assertion in the originating network shall add the P-Asserted-Service header field set to the value of the asserted CPM service ICSI (i.e. standalone messaging, such as: “urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.msg” for Pager Mode, “urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.msg.group” for Pager Mode to a group, or “urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.largemsg” for Large Message Mode, or “urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.largemsg.group” for Large Message Mode to a group or “urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.deferred” for deferred delivery) and remove the P-Preferred-Service header field before further routing the request.
如[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述,RCS客户端将使用为该服务定义的CPM特征标记来填充所有CPM请求中的P优选服务报头字段。 在始发网络中执行服务断言的S-CSCF或AS将添加设置为断言的CPM服务ICSI的值的P断言服务报头字段(即,独立消息,例如:“urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.msg“用于寻呼机模式,”urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.msg.group“用于寻呼机模式到组,或者” urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.largemsg“用于大消息模式,或者”urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.largemsg.group“ 大消息模式到群组或延迟传递的“urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.deferred”),并在进一步路由请求之前删除P-Preferred-Service头字段。

A receiving network element and RCS client should ignore any SIP header fields that they do not understand (e.g. P-Preferred-Service, or P-Asserted-Service header fields).
接收网络元件和RCS客户端应该忽略他们不理解的任何SIP报头字段(例如,P-Preferred-Service或P-Asserted-Service报头字段)。 Delivery and Display Notifications / 交付和显示通知

The disposition status notifications for a sent standalone message will follow the reverse path of the sent message. The disposition notifications for the standalone messaging could be used for the 1-to-1 or 1-to-many messaging and for two types of notifications, delivery and display, as specified in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS].
发送的独立消息的处置状态通知将遵循发送消息的反向路径。 独立消息传递的处置通知可以用于1对1或1对多消息传递以及用于[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中指定的两种类型的通知,传递和显示。

For network optimisation purposes, the aggregation of IMDNs as specified in [RFC5438] may be supported for network initiated IMDNs:
为了网络优化的目的,可以为网络发起的IMDN支持[RFC 5438]中规定的INDIAN的聚合:

  • Within the Service Provider’s own network, the aggregation of IMDN may be supported (per local policy).
  • For inter-Service Provider interoperability, the individual IMDN will always be sent to the target network, where the aggregation of IMDN is up to the target network (per local policy). That is, if the aggregated IMDNs received by the Messaging Server contain IMDNs that need to be sent to another network, the Messaging Server will repackage the aggregated IMDNs accordingly before sending them to the Chat message sender on the other network.
    对于服务提供商之间的互操作性,单个IMDN将始终发送到目标网络,其中IMDN的聚合达到目标网络(根据本地策略)。 也就是说,如果消息服务器接收的聚合IMDN包含需要发送到另一网络的IMDN,则消息服务器将在将聚合IMDN发送到另一网络上的聊天消息发送者之前相应地重新打包该聚合IMDN。
  • If the aggregated IMDNs received by the Messaging Server contain both in-network and inter-Service Provider Chat message senders, the Messaging Server will repackage the aggregated IMDNs according to in-network Chat message senders and inter-Service Provider Chat Message senders.
    如果消息服务器收到的聚合IMDN包含网络内和服务间提供者聊天消息发送者,则消息传递服务器将根据网络内聊天消息发送者和服务提供者聊天消息发送者重新打包聚合的IMDN。 Deferred Messaging / 延迟消息

The terminating Participating Function, amongst other procedures, performs the procedure for deferring messages if none of the RCS capable devices of the recipient is online.

When no RCS target recipient client is registered, the terminating Participating Function holding the message for delivery may decide to defer the standalone message for delivery at a later time. For the delivery of a deferred standalone message, the Participating Function has the following options as specified in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]:
当没有注册RCS目标接收方客户端时,保存用于传送的消息的端接参与功能可以决定推迟独立消息以在稍后的时间传送。 对于递送的独立消息的递送,参与功能具有如在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所规定的以下选项:

  1. To send a notification to the RCS clients of the target recipient and wait for these client(s) to take action,
  2. To push the deferred standalone messages once one of the clients of the target recipient RCS user becomes available.

NOTE: Service provider’s policies may guide which option to adopt.

If a deferred standalone message expires before it is delivered, the terminating Participating Function shall handle the deferred message by discarding it.
如果延迟的独立消息在其被递送之前过期,则终止参与功能将通过丢弃它来处理延迟的消息。 Personal Network Blacklists handling / 个人网络黑名单处理

NOTE: In the present section, the BPEF as described in section 2.15.1 may be provided by the Messaging Server.

When supported, the PNBs are applied by the BPEF at both origination and termination of standalone messages.

The following resource-lists from Shared XDMS (see section 2.14.1) are checked by the BPEF by comparing the URI values used in the request and in the list:

  • At Standalone message origination:
    • a) The BPEF checks the ‘rcs_pnb_outstandalone_blockedusers’ list to verify that the recipient(s) is/are not among the blocked users for this request by comparing URIs contained in the list with the URI value of the Request URI of the SIP request for a 1-to-1 message or with the URIs in the recipient-list body for 1-to- many message.
      a) BPEF检查'rcs_pnb_outstandalone_blockedusers'列表,通过将列表中包含的URI与SIP请求URI的值,或者与针对一对多消息的收件人列表主体中的URI的值进行比较,来验证收件人是否在此请求的阻止用户之中。
    • b) If true, the BPEF:
      b) 如果为真,则BPEF:
      • Removes the recipient from the list of recipients before continuing to process and sending out the Standalone message;
      • If the recipient is the only one in the message, then the message is discarded and a 403 Forbidden response with a warning header set to “122 Function not allowed” is returned to the user.
        如果接收者是消息中的唯一一个,则丢弃该消息,并且向用户返回403禁止响应,该响应具有设置为“122 Function not allowed”的警告头。
      • If there are multiple recipients of the message, the number of acceptable recipients is checked by the Messaging Server after the Personal Network Blacklists verification.
  • On termination, the BPEF checks the ‘rcs_pnb_standalone_blockedusers’ list, to verify if the sender of the Standalone message is among the blacklisted users by comparing the URIs contained in the list with the URI values of the P-Asserted- Identity header field of the SIP request.
    • a) If true, the BPEF:
      a) 如果为真,则BPEF:
      • Shall return a 403 Forbidden response with a warning header set to “122 Function not allowed” and,
        将返回403禁止响应,该响应警告标头设置为“122 Function not allowed”,并且,
      • It suppresses any further IM notifications (“delivered” and/or “displayed”) for the blocked messages, and
      • The BPEF stores received blocking event in the dedicated Blocked Folder.
        BPEF将接收到的阻塞事件存储在专用的阻止文件夹中。 Multidevice handling / 多设备处理

The RCS supports delivering of standalone messages to multiple devices. As described in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS], the delivery of Standalone messages will be done to all the user’s RCS devices that are online. Also, when applicable, the message is delivered to a single non-RCS device of the user through interworking with either SMS or MMS as explained in Section
RCS支持将独立消息传递到多个设备。 如[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中所述,独立消息的传递将对所有在线的用户的RCS设备进行。 此外,在适用的情况下,通过与SMS或MMS互通,将消息传递给用户的单个非RCS设备,如第3.2.4.6节所述。

The support of the RCS multidevice environment includes the following major features:

  1. When a user sends a message from one of their devices capable of handling the RCS standalone messaging and a Common Message Store is available, all other online devices capable of handling the RCS standalone messaging services shall display the message along with related information such as message state and its disposition.
    当用户从能够处理RCS独立消息的设备之一发送消息并且公共消息存储可用时,能够处理RCS独立消息服务的所有其他在线设备将显示消息以及相关信息,例如消息状态 及其处置。
  2. If a Common Message Store is available, all offline clients supporting the RCS standalone messaging service will be capable of showing the messages that the user has sent and received (except for already deleted messages) when the clients are back online.
  3. Handling of delivery and display notifications when multiple clients receive a message, the terminating RCS Participating Function shall support forwarding both delivery and display notifications to the originating client, by forwarding the first disposition notification received from one of the devices that the standalone message was delivered to. It suppresses forwarding subsequent disposition notifications received from the other devices to which the message was delivered.
    在多个客户端接收到消息时处理递送和显示通知,终止RCS参与功能应支持通过将发送从独立消息被递送到的设备之一接收的第一处置通知转发到发起客户端来转发递送和显示通知 。 它禁止转发从发送消息的其他设备接收的后续处置通知。

All procedures for sending and receiving standalone messages and their disposition notifications in an RCS multidevice environment, where the RCS user employs multiple devices, are performed as described in [CPM-SYS_DESC] and specified in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]
在[CPM-SYS_DESC]中描述并在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]中指定的,在RCS用户使用多个设备的RCS多设备环境中发送和接收独立消息及其处置通知的所有程序, Interworking with Legacy Messaging services / 与旧版信息服务的互通

The [RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS] document describes general interworking procedures applicable to both SMS and MMS and the realisation details for the SMS and MMS interworking. The interworking procedures for the SMS include references to 3GPP’s IP- SM-GW (IP Short Message Gateway) as described in [RCS-3GPP-SMSIW-ENDORS].
[RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS]文档描述了适用于SMS和MMS的一般交互过程以及SMS和MMS互通的实现细节。 用于SMS的互配过程包括参考如[RCS-3GPP-SMSIW-ENDORS]中描述的3GPP的IP-SM-GW(IP短消息网关)。 Interworking procedure / 互通过程

The procedures for the RCS standalone messaging service feature interworking to SMS and MMS legacy messaging services are performed by two interworking functional entities, the Interworking Selection Function (ISF) and the Interworking Function (IWF). After the Participating Function has decided that the message has to be interworked the selection of whether to interwork to SMS or MMS is done in the ISF as described in [RCS-CPM-IW- ENDORS]. The actual interworking procedure is performed by the SMS and MMS gateways described in [RCS-3GPP-SMSIW-ENDORS] and [RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS]. These functions also interwork the delivery notifications received from the SMS and the delivery and display notifications received from the MMS message recipient(s) and forward them to the sending Participating Function to be passed on to the sending RCS client.
用于RCS独立消息服务特征与SMS和MMS遗留消息服务的互通的过程由两个互配功能实体,即互配选择功能(ISF)和互通功能(IWF)来执行。 在参与功能确定消息必须互通后,如在[RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS]中所述,在ISF中进行是否与SMS或MMS交互的选择。 实际的互通过程由[RCS-3GPP-SMSIW-ENDORS]和[RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS]中描述的SMS和MMS网关执行。 这些功能还交互从SMS接收的递送通知和从MMS消息接收者接收的递送和显示通知,并将它们转发到发送参与功能以传递到发送RCS客户端。

The interworking functions also interwork any incoming SMS or MMS messages to RCS messaging.
互通功能还将任何传入的SMS或MMS消息与RCS消息传递互通。 Interworking with SMS / 与短信互通

When the target recipient device for an RCS Standalone Message is a non-RCS capable, an SMS capable device, the process of interworking with legacy SMS is invoked according to [RCS5-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]. In Figure 24, an architectural view of the RCS standalone messaging service interworking with the legacy SMS is shown. The legacy mobile device is shown as a non-RCS device.
当用于RCS独立消息的目标接收方设备是具有非RCS能力的SMS能力设备时,根据[RCS5-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]调用与遗留SMS交互的过程。 在图24中,示出了与传统SMS交互工作的RCS独立消息服务的架构视图。 传统移动设备被示为非RCS设备。

Figure 24: Standalone Messaging interworking with SMS / 图24:独立消息与SMS交互

When the SMS interworking function (IP-SM-GW or SMS-IWF) receives a SIP MESSAGE request with the OMA CPM ICSI “3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.msg”, it checks the size of the received payload of the SIP MESSAGE request. If the size of the payload is too large to be sent as one SMS message, the payload will be divided into concatenated SMS messages. The SMS-IWF will send the request(s) generated based on the received SIP MESSAGE request towards the SMS-C (Short Message Service Centre) using either the SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) or MAP (Mobile Application Part) protocols, depending on the type of SMS network in which it is deployed, as specified in [RCS-CPM- IW-ENDORS] or [RCS-3GPP-SMSIW-ENDORS] respectively.
当SMS互通功能(IP-SM-GW或SMS-IWF)接收到具有OMA CPM ICSI“3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.msg”的SIP MESSAGE请求时,它检查接收的有效载荷的大小 的SIP MESSAGE请求。 如果有效载荷的大小太大而不能作为一个SMS消息发送,则有效载荷将被分成连续的SMS消息。 SMS-IWF将使用SMPP(短消息对等)或MAP(移动应用部分)向SMS-C(短消息服务中心)发送基于接收到的SIP MESSAGE请求产生的请求, 分别在[RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS]或[RCS-3GPP-SMSIW-ENDORS]中规定,取决于其部署的SMS网络的类型。

NOTE: For clarity, Figure 24 mainly shows the latter deployment option since the differences between both options are in the existing SMS deployments and therefore have no impact on the Standalone Messaging service.

Breakout to SMS can be done at the originating side if the addressed user is not an IMS user. This is determined based on the standalone messaging capability information, on local information the Messaging Server may have about the recipient, or when the Messaging Server receives an error response. Otherwise, the breakout at the terminating side is done, if either the addressed user is an RCS user using SMS instead of RCS standalone messaging service or the user is using a mixture of legacy and RCS devices.
如果所寻址的用户不是IMS用户,则可以在发起方进行到SMS的突破。 这是基于独立消息传递能力信息,消息传递服务器可能关于接收者的本地信息,或者当消息传递服务器接收到错误响应时确定的。 否则,如果所寻址的用户是使用SMS而不是RCS独立消息服务的RCS用户,或者用户正在使用传统和RCS设备的混合,则在终止侧进行中断。

The following error responses to the SIP MESSAGE (or, for the IP-SM-GW realisation, optionally for a Large Message Mode message the SIP INVITE) request indicate that the recipient is not an RCS contact and these responses can be used to trigger interworking:
对SIP MESSAGE(或者对于IP-SM-GW实现,可选地对于大消息模式消息,SIP INVITE)请求的以下错误响应指示接收者不是RCS联系人,并且这些响应可以用于触发互配 :

  • 404 Not Found;
  • 405 Method Not Allowed;
  • 410 Gone;
  • 414 Request URI Too Long;
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type;
  • 416 Unsupported URI Scheme;
  • 488 Not Acceptable Here;
  • 606 Not Acceptable.

The case for delivering text messages to a (primary) broadband client of a non-Standalone Messaging user is beyond the SMS interworking gateway of the standalone messaging and its platform. It is not shown in Figure 24 to avoid overloading it. In that scenario the MAP (Mobile Application Part) or SMPP request from the SMS-IWF to the legacy Mobile Device for the incoming SMS message would be replaced by a SMSoIP (SMS over IP) request, which is relayed to the legacy BA Client via the Serving Call Session Control Function (S-CSCF).
用于将文本消息递送到非独立消息传送用户的(主)宽带客户端的情况超出了独立消息传送及其平台的SMS交互工作网关。 在图24中未示出以避免图片过大。 在那种情况下,从SMS-IWF到传统移动设备的用于传入SMS消息的MAP(移动应用部分)或SMPP请求将被SMSoIP(基于IP的SMS)请求替换,SMSoIP请求通过中继传送到传统BA客户端服务呼叫会话控制功能(S-CSCF)。 Interworking with MMS / 与彩信互通

When the target recipient device for standalone messaging is not an RCS device and the message to be sent is a multimedia message, the process of interworking with legacy MMS is invoked according to [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS].

Figure 25 presents an architecture view of the interworking for multimedia messaging. As shown, the legacy mobile device at the terminating side may either be an RCS user’s primary device that uses MMS instead of RCS Standalone Messaging or a non-RCS device capable of receiving MMS.
图25示出了用于多媒体消息接发的互配的架构视图。 如图所示,在终止侧的传统移动设备可以是使用MMS而不是RCS独立消息的RCS用户的主设备或能够接收MMS的非RCS设备。

Depending on the size of the standalone message, it could be either a text message with a large payload or a multi-media standalone message. In the former case the interworking with SMS would apply as described in section if the message were small enough for a concatenated SMS. Otherwise, the interworking would be to the MMS service, hence sending a SIP INVITE request to the RCS MMS-IWF.
根据独立消息的大小,它可以是具有大有效负载的文本消息或多媒体独立消息。 在前一种情况下,如果消息对于连接的SMS足够小,则与SMS的互通将如第3.节中所描述的那样应用。 否则,互配将是到MMS服务,因此向RCS MMS-IWF发送SIP INVITE请求。

When the RCS MMS-IWF receives a SIP INVITE request containing the OMA CPM ICSI “3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.largemsg” for a Large Message Mode standalone message, it will send a 200 "OK" response if no errors are found in the SIP INVITE request or an appropriate error response. This is followed by the MMS-IWF’s subsequent receiving of an MSRP SEND request for the establishment of the MSRP session, and the process then continues as described in [RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS].
当RCS MMS-IWF接收到包含用于大消息模式独立消息的OMA CPM ICSI“3gpp-service.ims.icsi.oma.cpm.largemsg”的SIP INVITE请求时,如果不存在,则它将发送200“OK”响应 在SIP INVITE请求中发现错误或适当的错误响应。 这之后是MMS-IWF随后接收到用于建立MSRP会话的MSRP SEND请求,然后该过程如[RCS-CPM-IW-ENDORS]中所述继续。

Figure 25: Standalone messaging interworking with MMS / 图25:独立消息与MMS互通

Breakout to MMS can be done at the originating side if the addressee is not an IMS user either based on local information the Messaging Server may have about the recipient, or when it receives an error response. Otherwise, the breakout at the terminating side is done if either the addressee is an RCS user using MMS instead of RCS standalone messaging service or the user is using a mixture of legacy and RCS devices.
如果收信方不是基于消息传送服务器可能具有的关于接收方的本地信息的收发方不是IMS用户,或者当它接收到错误响应时,可以在发起方进行到MMS的分支。 否则,如果收件人是使用MMS而不是RCS独立消息服务的RCS用户,或者用户正在使用传统和RCS设备的混合,则终止侧的中断被完成。

The following error responses to the INVITE request indicate the recipient is not an RCS contact and can be used to trigger interworking:

  • 404 Not Found;
  • 405 Method Not Allowed;
  • 410 Gone;
  • 414 Request URI Too Long;
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type;
  • 416 Unsupported URI Scheme;
  • 488 Not Acceptable Here;
  • 606 Not Acceptable.

Similar to SMS interworking, in the MMS interworking of Figure 25, the case for delivery of the multimedia message to a Broadband Access client of a non-RCS user is not shown to not overload the figure.

3.2.5 NNI and IOT considerations / NNI和IOT考虑

For the Standalone Messaging service three NNI interfaces are possible:

  • The NNI described in section 2.12 carrying the standalone messaging service across RCS compliant networks

Which of these interfaces is used is decided based on the Service Provider’s policies and the applicable interworking agreements.

3.2.6 Implementation guidelines and examples / 实施指南和示例 Possible supported entry points to the Standalone Messaging / 针对独立消息的可能支持的入口点

From the RCS user experience, the following three possible entry points to the Standalone Messaging may be supported:

  1. Standalone Messaging screen/window
    There may be a dedicated “Standalone Messaging” application point of entry in the device menu. From this Standalone Messaging screen/window, a standalone message can be initiated or received using the relevant menu items and the device’s supported keypad/keyboard. This application may also provide access to the user’s message store for viewing and managing stored messages, e.g. message history.
    在设备菜单中可能有专用的“独立消息”应用程序入口点。 在此独立消息传送屏幕/窗口中,可以使用相关菜单项和设备支持的键盘/键盘启动或接收独立消息。 该应用还可以提供对用户的消息存储库的访问,以便查看和管理存储的消息,例如。 消息历史。
  2. Integrated messaging screen/window
    There may be a dedicated integrated messaging application point of entry in the device menu. From this integrated screen/window, a message can be initiated or received using the relevant menu items and the device’s supported keypad/keyboard. This application may also provide access to the user’s message store for viewing and managing stored messages, e.g. message history.
    在设备菜单中可以存在专用的集成消息收发应用入口点。 在这个集成的屏幕/窗口中,可以使用相关菜单项和设备支持的键盘/键盘启动或接收消息。 该应用还可以提供对用户的消息存储库的访问,以便查看和管理存储的消息,例如。 消息历史。
  3. Address book window
    Using this entry point, a message may be initiated with any contact. The experience when interacting through this entry point is identical to that of the messaging screen/window.
    使用此入口点,可以利用任何联系人发起消息。 通过此入口点进行交互时的体验与消息传递屏幕/窗口的体验相同。

NOTE: When displaying the messages exchanged, the time indication can be set according to the CPIM DateTime header and the datetime element in the delivery notifications as described in section allowing correct ordering of the messages even if the device’s clock is not set correctly.
注意:当显示交换的消息时,时间指示可以根据CPIM DateTime报头和传递通知中的datetime元素设置,如第3.3.6.6节所述,即使设备的时钟设置不正确也能正确排序消息 。

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