2.15 Personal Network Blacklists (PNB) / 个人网络黑名单(PNB)

With this optional RCS feature that is enabled using the PNB MANAGEMENT configuration parameter (see section A.1.3), the RCS user may be provided with the possibility to manage their Personal Network Blacklist (PNB), in order to either prevent receiving undesired communications, messages or media.
通过使用PNB MANAGEMENT配置参数(参见第A.1.3节)启用该可选的RCS特征,可以为RCS用户提供管理其个人网络黑名单(PNB)的可能性,以便防止接收不期望的通信,消息或媒体。

The PNB feature relies on the Shared XDMS that is also used for SPI (see section 3.7). New lists are pre-defined in the Shared List XDMS as follows:
PNB功能依赖于也用于SPI的共享XDMS(参见第3.7节)。 新列表在共享列表XDMS中预定义如下:

  • “rcs_pnb_chat_blockedusers”: this list contains all blocked senders for chat
  • “rcs_pnb_ft_blockedusers”: this list contains all blocked senders for file transfer
  • “rcs_pnb_standalone_blockedusers”: this list contains all blocked senders for standalone messages
  • “rcs_pnb_outchat_blockedusers”: this list contains all blocked recipients for chat
  • “rcs_pnb_outft_blockedusers”: this list contains all blocked recipients for file transfer
  • “rcs_pnb_outstandalone_blockedusers”: this list contains all blocked recipients for standalone messages

2.15.1 RCS Applicability / RCS适用性

The enforcement of the PNB feature is performed by the Blacklist Policy Enforcement Function (BPEF) that could both:

  • Be implemented as part of the relevant RCS application server (e.g. RCS Messaging Server), or,
  • In a separate server, which enforces the policy.

The PNB feature applies only to the following RCS services:

  • Standalone messaging (see section 3.2)
  • 1-to-1 chat (see section 3.3)
  • File transfer (see section 3.5).

Taking into account the supported features, the BPEF can be completely collocated with the Messaging Server.

The PNB feature can be enabled or disabled. When enabled:
可以启用或禁用PNB功能。 启用时:

  • The BPEF shall apply triggers for checking the RCS user’s PNB, during the relevant RCS service traffic, on both originating and terminating traffic.
  • RCS clients shall be configured with the PNB MANAGEMENT parameter (described in Annex A, section A.1.3), so it is possible to handle the PNB configuration from the client.

The functionality provided by BPEF is summarized below:

  • On originating side:
    • Checks the outgoing blacklists for the respective request (i.e. chat, file transfer or standalone messaging) and if the recipient is found in the applicable list (e.g. rcs_pnb_outchat_blockedusers for chat), the request is rejected.
  • On the terminating side:
    • Checks the blacklists for the respective request (i.e. chat, file transfer or standalone messaging) and if the sender is found on the pertaining list (e.g. chat_blockedusers for chat), the request is rejected.
    • If supporting the Common Message Store feature and if allowed by local server policy, the Messaging Server stores the blocked message/chat/File Transfer event with the metadata content following Conversation History format as per [RCS-CPM-MSGSTOR-ENDORS].

2.15.2 PNB management / PNB管理

The PNB can be updated in any of the following ways:

  1. The user performs the management of the lists from their RCS client by adding or deleting users in the list entries of the Shared List XDMS using XCAP, or
  2. The RCS client supports the user, by prompting him/her to choose upon a rejection (e.g. chat, group chat or file transfer) to add the originator in the respective blacklist.

Once the user rejected a Chat invitation, or a File Transfer, the RCS client UI may prompt them to select whether the rejection is permanent, or if it is a onetime rejection. A permanent rejection will trigger an update in the user’s respective black list, by adding the originator in that list.
一旦用户拒绝聊天邀请或文件传输,RCS客户端UI可以提示他们选择拒绝是否是永久的,或者是否是一次拒绝。 永久拒绝将通过在该列表中添加发起者来触发用户各自的黑名单中的更新。

Other options may be possible, such as allowing the RCS user to add other users in their PNBs from the viewing of the Conversation History.

Regardless of the trigger for the PNB update by the RCS Client, when such update needs to be done in the network, the RCS Client shall issue an XCAP request as per [XDM2.0_Core] procedures and as described in section 2.14.2.
不管RCS客户端对PNB更新的触发,当这种更新需要在网络中完成时,RCS客户端将根据[XDM2.0_Core]过程发出XCAP请求,如第2.14.2节所述。 Authorising PNB management requests / 授权PNB管理请求

The authorisation of the PNB management requests (get, update, delete) is done as described in section

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