3.1 General Service Overview / 一般服务概述

RCS provides several services that fit into the framework defined in section 2. As mentioned in section 1.2 all of these services are optional for a Service Provider to deploy.

The first set of services is intended to enhance the user’s messaging experience. Section 3.2 describes the standalone messaging service based on OMA CPM that is considered as an evolution of the SMS/MMS messaging services providing fewer restrictions and provides the interworking capability with those services. Section 3.3 introduces the 1-to-1 chat service that provides a more real-time experience through “IsComposing” indications next to the store and forward functionality, including delivery and display notifications, that allows reaching users while they are offline. In section 3.4, it is described how the 1-to-1 chat service is extended to multiparty scenarios. For both the 1-to-1 chat and for this Group Chat, the technical realisation can be based on either OMA SIMPLE IM or OMA CPM. Interworking between these realisations has been described to manage these as a single service providing transparency and an enhancement to the UX.
第一组服务旨在增强用户的消息体验。 第3.2节描述了基于OMA CPM的独立消息服务,其被认为是SMS / MMS消息服务的演进,提供较少的限制并且提供与这些服务的互通能力。 第3.3节介绍了1对1聊天服务,通过存储和转发功能旁边的“IsComposing”指示提供更实时的体验,包括传递和显示通知,允许在用户离线时接触用户。 在3.4节中,描述了1对1聊天服务如何扩展到多方案。 对于1对1聊天和该群组聊天,技术实现可以基于OMA SIMPLE IM或OMA CPM。 这些实现之间的互通已经被描述为将这些作为提供透明度和对UX的增强的单一服务来管理。

As a service that is closely related to the messaging in that it is used for the exchange of discrete content and is based on the same underlying technology, chapter 3.5 describes the File Transfer service allowing a user to exchange any type of file with another user.

Chapter 3.6 introduces the content sharing services allowing the user to share multi-media content ahead of the call to provide context to the called party when the call is set up. The content sharing services also includes the capability to exchange a video, an image, a map or a drawing canvas in real-time with another user during a voice call. In other circumstances the File Transfer service or the messaging service could be used. It also allows to share a note (reason) or a voice message after an unanswered call.
第3.6章介绍了允许用户在呼叫之前共享多媒体内容的内容共享服务,以在呼叫建立时向被叫方提供上下文。 内容共享服务还包括在语音呼叫期间与另一用户实时交换视频,图像,地图或绘图画布的能力。 在其他情况下,可以使用文件传输服务或消息传递服务。 它还允许在未应答呼叫之后共享音符(原因)或语音消息。

The social presence service in chapter 3.7 allows the user to announce a status including a picture, a link and possibly even information related to his location to a subset of his contacts while at the same time receiving status updates from those same contacts. Depending on the user’s preference regarding a contact, they could be informed about such status changes in real-time or after a potentially long delay.
第3.7节中的社交呈现服务允许用户向同一联系人的子集宣布包括图片,链接和可能甚至与他的位置有关的信息的状态,同时从那些相同联系人接收状态更新。 根据用户对联系人的偏好,可以实时地或在潜在的长延迟之后向他们通知这种状态改变。

Section 3.8 and 3.9 describe respectively an IP based voice and video call functionality for broadband access clients and mobile devices. These services include support for a set of supplementary services and ensure the quality of service delivery when used on EPC- integrated Wi-Fi and LTE access. For the voice call, a mobile device on EPC-integrated Wi- Fi and LTE provides continuity to a CS call if network coverage circumstances require this. These services are based on [PRD-IR.51] and [PRD-IR.92] for the voice call and [PRD- IR.94] for the video call.
第3.8和3.9节分别描述了用于宽带接入客户端和移动设备的基于IP的语音和视频呼叫功能。 这些服务包括支持一组补充服务,并确保在EPC集成Wi-Fi和LTE接入时使用的服务质量。 对于语音呼叫,如果网络覆盖情况需要,则集成EPC的Wi-Fi和LTE上的移动设备提供对CS呼叫的连续性。 这些服务基于用于语音呼叫的[PRD-IR.51]和[PRD-IR.92]以及用于视频呼叫的[PRD-IR.94]。

A geolocation service is introduced in section 3.10 which allows a user to share their location (or any other desired location) with a contact including requesting the location of a contact.

All these services can be invoked either from within the address book provided that the contact has the corresponding capability (see section 2.6) and the current network connectivity allows using the service (see section or directly from the device’s menu. Additional entry points may be the chat and call history, the media gallery and camera application depending on what is suitable for the service.
所有这些服务可以从地址簿中调用,只要联系人具有相应的能力(参见第2.6节),并且当前的网络连接允许使用服务(见第2.6.4.1节)或直接从设备的菜单。 附加的入口点可以是聊天和通话历史,媒体库和相机应用,这取决于适合于服务的内容。

Most of the NNI handling is done as described in section 2.12.

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