2.4 IMS registration / IMS注册

2.4.1 General / 概要

Prior to the registration, the device must be configured as described in section 2.3.

The device and IMS core network must follow the SIP registration procedures defined in [3GPP TS 24.229], complemented with the modifications described in this document (e.g. non registration of some feature tags).
设备和IMS核心网络必须遵循[3GPP TS 24.229]中定义的SIP注册过程,用本文档中描述的修改(例如,一些特征标签的非注册)来补充。

NOTE: In particular, the device shall support the nonce storing procedures as defined in [3GPP TS 24.229-rel12] section 5.1 to allow some traffic reduction.
注意:特别是,设备应支持[3GPP TS 24.229-rel 12]第5.1节中定义的随机数存储过程,以允许一些流量减少。

If the device is enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi then it must additionally follow the procedures for registration specified in [PRD-NG.102].

In all cases, the device shall register in IMS indicating whether the device can receive SMSs associated with the identity used for RCS when the device is not registered in IMS for messaging using the telephony feature tag described in section 2.4.3.

If the device is not enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi as defined in section 2.9.1) and it is configured to support RCS IP Voice Call and/or RCS IP Video Call, it shall always register in IMS taking into account the rules defined in respectively Table 50 and Table 51 in sections 3.8 and 3.9.
如果设备未启用VoLTE或VoWiFi,如第2.9.1节中所定义的,并且配置为支持RCS IP语音呼叫和/或RCS IP视频呼叫,则它将始终在IMS中注册,同时考虑分别在第3.8节和第3.9节中的表50和表51中定义的规则。

NOTE: Secondary devices (see section 2.2) cannot be enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi. Similarly downloadable clients (see section 2.2) do not have sufficient device integration to behave as a device that is enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi and will, therefore, have to assume that the device is not enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi.
注意:辅助设备(请参阅第2.2节)不能启用VoLTE或VoWiFi。 类似的可下载客户端(参见第2.2节)没有足够的设备集成来作为启用了VoLTE或VoWiFi的设备,因此必须假设设备未启用VoLTE或VoWiFi。

When the domain selection has selected IMS voice and the device is configured to share a registration between RCS and Multimedia Telephony (see the configuration parameter RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION defined in section A.1.7), the device is using VoLTE or VoWiFi, and shall not directly register in non-cellular networks (i.e. it shall not directly register over a Wi-Fi network). The client may register over EPC integrated Wi-Fi according to [PRD-NG.102].
当域选择已选择IMS语音,并且设备被配置为在RCS和多媒体电话之间共享注册(参见在部分A.1.7中定义的配置参数RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION)时,设备使用VoLTE或VoWiFi,并且不应直接注册在非蜂窝网络(即它不应通过Wi-Fi网络直接注册)。客户端可以根据[PRD-NG.102]通过EPC集成Wi-Fi进行注册。

Otherwise, the device may de-register from IMS on the cellular network and register again through direct non-cellular access when that is available. This switch to direct non-cellular access will interrupt any ongoing RCS sessions.

When registered over direct non-cellular access, all RCS traffic including the traffic from supporting protocols (i.e. XCAP, HTTP and IMAP) shall use this direct non-cellular connection.

As soon as the domain selection is again using IMS voice and the device is configured to share a registration between RCS and Multimedia Telephony (see the configuration parameter RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION defined in section A.1.7), the device shall attempt to de-register from IMS through the non-cellular access and shall register again using IMS over the cellular or EPC-integrated Wi-Fi network access.
一旦域选择再次使用IMS语音,并且设备被配置为在RCS和多媒体电话之间共享注册(参见在部分A.1.7中定义的配置参数RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION),则设备将尝试解除注册从IMS通过非蜂窝接入并且将通过蜂窝或EPC集成的Wi-Fi网络接入使用IMS再次注册。

For a device that is not configured to use VoLTE or VoWiFi or that is configured to not share a registration between RCS and Multimedia Telephony (see the configuration parameter RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION defined in section A.1.7), the client sends a SIP REGISTER message to the network using the configuration parameters (SIP proxy and other IMS parameters as presented in section 2.2.1 of [PRD-RCC.15]).
对于未配置为使用VoLTE或VoWiFi或配置为不共享RCS和多媒体电话之间的注册的设备(请参阅第A.1.7节中定义的配置参数RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION),客户端发送SIP REGISTER消息使用配置参数(SIP代理和如[PRD-RCC.15]的2.2.1节中所示的其他IMS参数)到网络。

The device must use the authentication mechanisms as described in section 2.13.

If the registration is not successful, the user should not be able to access any RCS services and all RCS contacts services/capabilities shall be reported to the user as not available independently of any setting (the IM CAP ALWAYS ON setting presented in Table 75 is ignored for example). When it is the device’s network status that prevents the client from registering (e.g. no PS or Wi-Fi connectivity because the device is in “airplane mode”) and the IM CAP ALWAYS ON setting is enabled, the chat service may be shown as available even if the client is not registered.
如果注册不成功,则用户不应该能够访问任何RCS服务,并且所有RCS联系人服务/能力都将被给用户报告为不可用,这独立于任何设置(例如表75中呈现的IM CAP ALWAYS ON设置是忽略)。当客户端的网络状态组织了客户端注册(例如,没有PS或Wi-Fi连接,因为设备处于“飞行模式”)并且启用IM CAP ALWAYS ON设置时,聊天服务可以被示为可用,即使客户端没有注册。

Finally, note that a precondition to register is that all of the mandatory parameters presented in section A.1 are correctly configured. This includes those optional parameters that, due to their dependency on the configured value of a mandatory parameter, have become mandatory.

2.4.2 Procedures for multidevice handling: GRUU and sip.instance / 多设备处理程序:GRUU和sip.instance

The device shall support using sip.instance and may support using Globally Routable User agent URIs (GRUUs) to allow an Application Server to uniquely address each RCS client residing on different devices as specified in [3GPP TS 24.229] taking into account the clarifications given below.
设备应该支持使用实体,并且可以支持使用全局可路由用户代理URI(GRUU)来允许应用服务器唯一地寻址驻留在不同设备上的每个RCS客户端,如[3GPP TS 24.229]中所规定的,考虑到下面给出的澄清 。

When the user agent generates a REGISTER request (initial or refresh), it shall include the Supported header field in the request. The value of that header field may include "gruu" as one of the option tags if supported by the client. This indicates to the registrar for the domain that the User Agent (UA) supports the GRUU mechanism.
当用户代理生成REGISTER请求(初始或刷新)时,它应在请求中包括Supported头字段。 如果客户端支持,那么该头字段的值可以包括作为选项标签之一的“gruu”。 这向域的注册器指示用户代理(UA)支持GRUU机制。

In each contact included in the REGISTER request, the client shall include a "sip.instance" tag, whose value is the instance ID that identifies the user agent instance being registered. As network support for GRUU is not mandatory, sip.instance can be used instead. An RCS client will use a public GRUU if provided by the network, but there is no requirement in RCS for a device to use a temporary GRUU.
在REGISTER请求中包括的每个联系人中,客户端应包括一个“sip.instance”标签,其值是标识正在注册的用户代理实例的实例ID。 由于对GRUU的网络支持不是强制性的,可以改用sip.instance。 RCS客户端将使用公共GRUU(如果由网络提供),但是RCS中没有要求设备使用临时GRUU。

If the device is enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi, then sip.instance shall be set as specified in [PRD-NG.102].

If the RCS client has access to the device IMEI and the device is not enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi, then sip.instance shall be the IMEI value as per [3GPP TS 24.229]. Otherwise, the value of sip.instance shall use either:
如果RCS客户端可以访问设备IMEI,并且设备未启用VoLTE或VoWiFi,则sip.instance将是根据[3GPP TS 24.229]的IMEI值。 否则,sip.instance的值应使用:

  • The value provided as part of the device/client configuration (uuid_Value, as described in [PRD-RCC.15]) shall be used. In this case, the network shall follow one of the algorithms described in [RFC4122], or,
    应使用作为设备/客户端配置(uuid_Value,如[PRD-RCC.15]中所述)的一部分提供的值。 在这种情况下,网络应遵循[RFC4122]中描述的算法之一,或者,
  • If the uuid_Value is not provided as part of the configuration (parameter not present in the configuration or present but with an empty value), the UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) shall be generated as per [RFC4122] section 4.2 and in all cases, must not be modified over time.
    如果uuid_Value未作为配置的一部分提供(参数不存在于配置中或存在但具有空值),则应根据[RFC4122]第4.2节生成UUID(通用唯一标识符),并且在所有情况下,必须 不随时间修改。

If the REGISTER response is a 2xx and the network supports GRUU, each Contact header field will contain a "pub-gruu" conveying the public GRUU for the user agent instance. The GRUU support is not mandatory for the Service Providers. Therefore user agents shall not always expect to receive a GRUU from the registrar.
如果REGISTER响应是2xx并且网络支持GRUU,则每个Contact头字段将包含传送用户代理实例的公共GRUU的“pub-gruu”。 GRUU支持对于服务提供商不是强制性的。 因此,用户代理不应该总是期望从注册器接收GRUU。 Additional clarifications on sip.instance usage for multidevice support / 对多设备支持的sip.instance用法的其他说明

When an RCS client is configured to use sip.instance, all SIP requests and responses that contain a Contact header will carry the sip.instance.

2.4.3 Telephony feature tag / 电话功能标记

RCS defines a telephony feature tag used to indicate to the IMS network whether the device supports CS telephony services and hence can receive SMSs associated with the identity used for RCS when the device is not registered in IMS for messaging. The feature tag shall be included in the Contact header at registration with possible values to include: “none” or “cs ". The use of any other value carried in the feature tag is out of scope for this specification. If no value is included in the feature tag, it is treated by the IMS network as if it carried the value of “none”.
RCS定义电话特征标签,用于向IMS网络指示该设备是否支持CS电话服务,并且因此当设备未在IMS中注册用于消息传递时,可以接收与用于RCS的身份相关联的SMS。 特征标记在注册时应包括在可能的值中,包括:“none”或“cs”。特征标记中携带的任何其他值超出了本规范的范围,如果没有包含值 在特征标签中,它被IMS网络处理,好像它携带值“none”。

The feature tag is defined as +g.gsma.rcs.telephony=.
特征标签定义为+g.gsma.rcs.telephony =

Using the terms primary and secondary devices as defined in section 2.2:

  • For a secondary device that by definition does not support CS telephony and thus does not support receiving SMSs for the identity used for RCS, the feature tag shall either not be present at all or be set as follows: +g.gsma.rcs.telephony=”none”.
    对于通过定义不支持CS电话并因此不支持接收用于RCS的身份的SMS的辅助设备,特征标签应该不存在或者被设置如下:+ g.gsma.rcs.telephony =“none”。
  • For a primary device that supports CS telephony and thus supports receiving SMSs for the identity used for RCS, the feature tag shall be set as follows:

2.4.4 Services feature tags / 服务功能标签

The client shall include the feature tags related to the authorised/enabled services in the REGISTER request as per the relevant service specifications (e.g. +g.oma.sip-im as per [RCS-SIMPLEIM-ENDORS]).
客户端应根据相关服务规范(例如,按照[RCS-SIMPLEIM-ENDORS]的+ g.oma.sip-im)在REGISTER请求中包括与授权/启用的服务相关的功能标签。

For the standalone messaging service, when it is enabled i.e. the configuration parameter STANDALONE MSG AUTH defined in section A.1.4.3 is set to 1 or 2, the client shall include the standalone messaging tags defined in [RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS] in the REGISTER request. 对于独立的消息传递服务,当它被启用,即在A.1.4.3节中定义的配置参数STANDALONE MSG AUTH被设置为1或2时,客户端应在REGISTER请求中包括在[RCS-CPM-CONVFUNC-ENDORS]定义的独立的消息标签。 File Transfer via HTTP feature tags at IMS registration / 通过IMS注册时通过HTTP功能标签的文件传输

When File Transfer via HTTP is enabled (the configuration parameters FT HTTP CS URI, FT HTTP CS USER and FT HTTP CS PWD defined in section A.1.5 are correctly set), the client shall include the File Transfer via HTTP IARI defined in Table 7 in the REGISTER request.
当启用通过HTTP的文件传输(正确设置了A.1.5节中定义的配置参数FT HTTP CS URI,FT HTTP CS USER和FT HTTP CS PWD)时,客户端应在REGISTER请求中包括通过表7中定义的HTTP IARI的文件传输 。 Geolocation PUSH feature tags at IMS registration / IMS注册时的地理位置PUSH功能标签

When Geolocation PUSH is enabled (see PROVIDE GEOLOCATION PUSH in section A.1.8.2), the client shall include the Geolocation PUSH IARI defined in Table 11 in the REGISTER request.
当启用地理位置PUSH时(请参阅第A.1.8.2节中的提供地理位置推送),客户端应在REGISTER请求中包含表11中定义的地理位置PUSH IARI。 RCS IP Call feature tags / RCS IP呼叫功能标签

When RCS IP Video Calls are enabled for any cellular access (see PROVIDE RCS IP VIDEO CALL in section A.1.12), an RCS client shall when registering in the IMS over a cellular access include the feature tags for RCS IP Calls according to Table 51.
当RCS IP视频呼叫被启用用于任何蜂窝接入时(参见在A.1.12节中的PROVIDE RCS IP VIDEO CALL),RCS客户端在通过蜂窝接入在IMS中注册时包括根据表51的RCS IP呼叫的特征标签 。

When RCS IP Voice or Video Calls are enabled for Wi-Fi (see PROVIDE RCS IP VOICE CALL and PROVIDE RCS IP VIDEO CALL in section A.1.12), an RCS client shall when registering in the IMS over Wi-Fi access include the feature tags for RCS IP Calls according to Table 50 or Table 51. There is no need for the device to remove the RCS IP Voice/Video service capability once it has registered with it.
当RCS IP语音或视频呼叫被启用用于Wi-Fi(参见在A.1.12节中提供RCS IP语音呼叫和提供RCS IP视频呼叫)时,RCS客户端在通过Wi-Fi接入向IMS注册时包括特征 标签,用于根据表50或表51的RCS IP呼叫。一旦RCS IP语音/视频服务能力注册了RCS IP语音/视频服务能力,则无需删除它。

RCS defines the RCS IP call feature tags used to indicate the wanted behaviour as listed in Table 3.
RCS定义用于指示表3中所列的所需行为的RCS IP呼叫特征标签。

RCS service Tags
RCS IP Voice Call +g.gsma.rcs.ipcall; +g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp- service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
RCS IP Video Call +g.gsma.rcs.ipcall; +g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp- service.ims.icsi.mmtel";video
RCS IP Video Call where video media cannot be removed by the user +gsma.rcs.ipcall;+g.gsma.rcs.ipvideocallonly;+g.3gpp.icsi- ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel";video

Table 3: RCS IP Voice/Video Call feature tags / 表3:RCS IP语音/视频呼叫功能标签

See Table 50 and Table 51 for the media feature tags required at IMS registration and at session setup.

NOTE: IP Voice/Video Call identification for calls without the RCS IP Call tags is as per [PRD-IR.92]/[PRD-IR.94]. In other words, it is up to a service provider to decide upon call breakout.
注意:没有RCS IP呼叫标签的呼叫的IP语音/视频呼叫标识符合[PRD-IR.92] / [PRD-IR.94]。 换句话说,由服务提供商决定呼叫中断。 RCS VV-Mail feature tags / RCS VV-Mail功能标签

When RCS Visual Voice/Video-Mail (VV-Mail) is enabled (RCS VV-MAIL AUTH configuration parameter defined in section A.1.16), an RCS client shall register with the feature tags for RCS VV-Mail as listed in Table 4.
当启用RCS可视语音/视频邮件(VV-Mail)(RCS VV-MAIL AUTH配置参数在A.1.16节中定义)时,RCS客户端应该注册RCS VV-Mail的特征标签,如表4所列 。

RCS service Tags
RCS VV-Mail New Message notification +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm"
RCS multi-device sync +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.mdsync"[3]
RCS VV-Mail and VMS sync +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vmssync"

Table 4: RCS VV-Mail feature tags / 表4:RCS VV-Mail功能标记

When the RCS client is configured to use RCS VV-Mail service, the client should register with the feature tags +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm" and +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.mdsync". If the device is configured to use the traditional Visual Voice Mail (VVM) client, then the client should not register for the RCS VV-Mail service.
当RCS客户端配置为使用RCS VV-Mail服务时,客户端应该注册功能标签+ g.3gpp.iari-ref =“urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm”和+ g.3gpp.iari-ref =“urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.mdsync”。如果设备配置为使用传统的可视语音邮件(VVM)客户端,则客户端不应注册RCS VV-Mail服务。

An RCS client by registering with the feature tag +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm" indicates that it is capable of receiving the new voicemail notification events.
通过注册特征标签+ g.3gpp.iari-ref =“urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vvm”的RCS客户端指示其能够接收新的语音邮件通知事件。

An RCS client by registering with the feature tag +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.mdsync" indicates that it is capable of receiving the voicemail message status change (like read or delete) and also, that it is capable of generating the voicemail message status change events (e.g. when the messages are read or deleted from the client).
通过注册特征标签+ g.3gpp.iari-ref =“urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.mdsync”,RCS客户端指示它能够接收语音邮件消息状态改变(如读取或删除),并且还能够生成语音邮件消息状态改变事件(例如,当从客户端读取或删除消息时)。

The secondary device(s) shall register with the VMS sync feature tag when the primary device is using the traditional VVM service for the voicemail messaging. When the primary device is using the RCS VV-Mail service, then it is not required for the RCS VV-Mail and VMS to sync. When the secondary device is configured with the RCS VV-MAIL VMS SYNC configuration parameter defined in section A.1.16 set to enabled, then the client should register with the feature tag +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vmssync".
当主设备正在使用传统的VVM服务用于语音邮件消息传递时,辅助设备将向VMS同步功能标记注册。当主设备使用RCS VV-Mail服务时,RCS VV-Mail和VMS不需要同步。当辅助设备配置为将第A.1.16节中定义的RCS VV-MAIL VMS SYNC配置参数设置为enabled时,客户端应该使用功能标记+ g.3gpp.iari-ref =“urn%3Aurn- 7 %3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vmssync“。

NOTE: A primary device shall not register with the +g.3gpp.iari-ref=”urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vmssync" feature tag.
注意:主设备不应注册+ g.3gpp.iari-ref =“urn%3Aurn- 7%3A3gppapplication.ims.iari.rcs.vmssync”功能标记。

[3] This feature tag is for now used only for VV-Mail, but may in future be used in other multi-device cases as well.
[3] 此功能标签现在仅用于VV-Mail,但将来也可用于其他多设备的情况。 Extension feature tags / 扩展功能标签

An Extension is enabled or disabled via operator specific means. For example, an operator may make use of the EUCR mechanism as describe in section 2.10 to enable or disable an Extension. Only enabled Extensions are allowed to use the RCS infrastructure.
通过操作员特定方式启用或禁用扩展。 例如,运营商可以使用第2.10节中描述的EUCR机制来启用或禁用扩展。 只有启用的扩展程序可以使用RCS基础结构。

If an RCS Client supports Extensions that are allowed to use the RCS infrastructure, then when registering in the IMS the RCS Client shall include

  • The RCS Extension to Extension data channel ICSI(s) (as per section if at least one enabled Extension uses this service, if and only if the configuration parameter ALLOW RCS EXTENSIONS (as defined in section A.1.14) is set to 1.
    如果至少一个启用的扩展使用此服务,则当且仅当配置参数ALLOW RCS EXTENSIONS(如第A.1.14节中定义)时,RCS扩展到扩展数据通道ICSI(根据第3.节) )设置为1。
  • The IARIs of the enabled Extensions as defined in Table 17, for the Extensions using the RCS Extension to Extension service or any RCS service, if and only if the configuration parameter ALLOW RCS EXTENSIONS (as defined in section A.1.14) is set to 1.
    对于使用RCS扩展到扩展服务或任何RCS服务的扩展,如果且仅当配置参数ALLOW RCS EXTENSIONS(如第A.1.14节中定义)设置为1时,表17中定义的启用扩展的IARI 。

When an Extension is enabled after initial registration, a re-REGISTER request with the new IARI included in the list of media feature tags carried in the Contact header shall be sent out immediately.

When an Extension is disabled by the operator, the Extension’s IARI is removed from the list of media feature tags carried in the Contact header of the SIP REGISTER request.
当分机被运营商禁用时,分​​机的IARI从SIP REGISTER请求的Contact报头中携带的媒体特征标签列表中删除。

NOTE: To remove an IARI, the device may wait till the next scheduled refresh re- REGISTER request or may issue a re-REGISTER request immediately.
注意:要删除IARI,设备可能会等待下一次调度刷新重新注册请求,或者可能立即发出重新注册请求。 Shared Map and Shared sketch feature tags / 共享地图和共享草图功能标记

When Shared Map service is enabled (the configuration parameter SHARED MAP AUTH defined in section 2.1.2 of [PRD-RCC.20] is set to 1), the client shall include the ICSI pertaining to the Enriched Calling Shared Map defined in Table 14 in the REGISTER request.
当启用共享映射服务([PRD-RCC.20]的第2.1.2节中定义的配置参数SHARED MAP AUTH被设置为1)时,客户端应包括与表14中定义的增强的呼叫共享映射相关的ICSI 在REGISTER请求中。

When Shared Sketch service is enabled (the configuration parameter SHARED SKETCH AUTH defined in section 2.1.2 of [PRD-RCC.20] is set to 1), the client shall include the ICSI pertaining to the Enriched Calling Shared Sketch defined in Table 15 in the REGISTER request.
当启用共享草图服务([PRD-RCC.20]的第2.1.2节中定义的配置参数SHARED SKETCH AUTH设置为1)时,客户端应包含与表15中定义的加强调用共享草图相关的ICSI 在REGISTER请求中。 Call composer and post-call feature tags / 调用创作者和后调用特征标记

When Call composer service is enabled (the configuration parameter COMPOSER AUTH defined in section 2.1.2 of [PRD-RCC.20] is set to 1), the client shall include the ICSI pertaining to the Enriched Calling Call composer defined in Table 12 in the REGISTER request.
当启用Call composer服务([PRD-RCC.20]的第2.1.2节中定义的配置参数COMPOSER AUTH被设置为1)时,客户端应包括与表12中定义的Enriched Calling Call composer相关的ICSI REGISTER请求。

When Post-call service is enabled (the configuration parameter POST CALL AUTH defined in section 2.1.2 of [PRD-RCC.20] is set to 1), the client shall include the ICSI pertaining to the Enriched Calling Call composer defined in Table 13 in the REGISTER request.
当启用后呼叫服务(在[PRD-RCC.20]的第2.1.2节中定义的配置参数POST CALL AUTH被设置为1)时,客户端应包括与表中定义的富集呼叫调用者相关的ICSI 13在REGISTER请求中。

2.4.5 Registration flows / 注册流程

Prior to the first IMS registration, it is necessary to provision the user on the network (e.g. by auto-provisioning) and to configure the device with the required settings (see chapter 2.3).

When the provisioning and device configuration phase is completed, the IMS registration takes place. Figure 5 shows the registration flow which applies for all authentication mechanisms covered in Section 2.13. After successful IMS registration, the device performs a capability and new user discovery procedure as described in Section 2.6.
当配置和设备设置阶段完成时,进行IMS注册。 图5显示了适用于第2.13节所述的所有认证机制的注册流程。 在成功的IMS注册之后,设备执行如2.6节中描述的能力和新的用户发现过程。

Figure 5: IMS registration flow / 图5:IMS注册流程

Once registered the re-registration timer is initiated which is used to refresh the registration before it expires. If a presence based capability check is used (based on the DEFAULT DISCOVERY MECHANISM parameter specified in Table 82 in section A.1.10 see section 2.6), the device shall also publish its capabilities once it has registered.
一旦登记,重新注册定时器被启动,其用于在注册到期之前刷新注册。 如果使用基于存在的能力检查(基于在表A.1.10中的表82中所指定的默认发现机制参数,参见第2.6节),则设备还应当在其注册之后发布其能力。

2.4.6 P-CSCF discovery / P-CSCF发现

Prior to any initial IMS registration the client shall discover the IP address of the P-CSCF as defined in [3GPP TS 23.228].
在任何初始IMS注册之前,客户端应当如[3GPP TS 23.228]中所定义的那样发现P-CSCF的IP地址。

The P-CSCF discovery procedure shall be applied in accordance with the mode of operation of the RCS device:

  • Devices enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi shall select the P-CSCF as defined in [PRD- NG.102].
  • Other devices shall select the P-CSCF from the LBO_P-CSCF_Address node of the IMS management object. If the P-CSCF AddressType of the P-CSCF address in the IMS management object indicates "FQDN" the device shall resolve the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as defined in [RFC3263].
    For the protocol selection in [RFC3263], the device shall
    其他设备应从IMS管理对象的LBO_P-CSCF_Address节点中选择P-CSCF。 如果IMS管理对象中的P-CSCF地址的P-CSCF AddressType指示“FQDN”,则设备将解析如[RFC3263]中定义的完全限定域名(FQDN)。
    • Take the SIP transport protocol settings in the IMS device management object (as defined in section 2.2.1 of [PRD-RCC.15]) into account if SIP Digest is to be used for authentication, i.e. SIPoUDP, SIPoTLS or SIPoTCP depending on the access network type (PS or Wi-Fi).
      如果要使用SIP摘要进行认证,则将SIP设备管理对象中的SIP传输协议设置(如[PRD-RCC.15]的2.2.1节中定义)考虑在内,取决于SIP摘要 接入网络类型(PS或Wi-Fi)。
    • Ignore the SIP transport protocol settings in the IMS device management object (as defined in section 2.2.1 of [PRD-RCC.15]) if AKA is to be used for Authentication. The device selects either UDP or TCP as defined in [3GPP TS 24.229].
      如果要将AKA用于认证,则忽略IMS设备管理对象中的SIP传输协议设置(如[PRD-RCC.15]的2.2.1节中定义)。 设备选择如[3GPP TS 24.229]中定义的UDP或TCP。

If the P-CSCF discovery results in a list of P-CSCF addresses then the device shall select a new P-CSCF address for any initial registration in accordance with the priority indications (e.g. weight and priorities in DNS SRV) to support load distribution in the network.
如果P-CSCF发现导致P-CSCF地址的列表,则设备将根据优先级指示(例如DNS SRV中的权重和优先级)为任何初始注册选择新的P-CSCF地址以支持网络中的负载分布。

2.4.7 IMS Flow Set Management / IMS流集管理

IMS flow set is defined in [3GPP TS 24.229]. It refers to the "flow" defined by the combination of transport protocol, client IP address and port and P-CSCF IP address and port used by the client and the network to exchange all SIP signalling related to a single IMS registration. This section details the requirements for an RCS client to manage the IMS flow set (i.e. a single Registration) in the network.
IMS流集合在[3GPP TS 24.229]中定义。 它指的是由客户端和网络使用的传输协议,客户端IP地址和端口以及P-CSCF IP地址和端口的组合来定义的用于交换与单个IMS注册相关的所有SIP信令的“流”。 本节详述了RCS客户端在网络中管理IMS流集(即单个注册)的要求。 REGISTER Request Handling / REGISTER请求处理

The RCS client shall make use of the registration procedures as defined in [3GPP TS 24.229].
该RCS客户应该利用在[3GPP TS24.229]中定义的登记手续。

NOTE: [3GPP TS 24.229] specifies that the REGISTER shall be sent to the IP address and port obtained via the discovery procedure. If the device was unable to obtain a specific port, then the default port as specified in [RFC3261] will be used.
The client will send subsequent REGISTER and non-REGISTER requests to the IP address that is used for the initial REGISTER, unless the security mechanism requires the use of negotiated ports for the exchange of protected messages.
注:[3GPP TS24.229]指定REGISTER应被发送到通过发现过程获得的IP地址和端口。如果设备无法获得一个特定的端口,则在[RFC3261]中指定的默认端口将被使用。
客户端将发送后续REGISTER和非REGISTER请求到用于初始注册的IP地址,除非安全机制要求为保护的消息的交换利用协商端口。 Non REGISTER Request Handling / 非REGISTER请求处理

The RCS client shall make use of the procedures for methods excluding the REGISTER method as defined in [3GPP TS 24.229].
RCS客户端应使用除了[3GPP TS 24.229]中定义的REGISTER方法之外的方法的过程。

The following addition applies to [3GPP TS 24.229] section 5.1.2A.1.1:
以下添加适用于[3GPP TS 24.229]第5.1.2A.1.1节:

  • The proper preload route header for methods excluding the REGISTER method shall be built only with the IP address learnt through the P-CSCF discovery procedure, i.e. a FQDN must not be used.
    用于排除REGISTER方法的方法的适当的预加载路由报头将仅利用通过P-CSCF发现过程学习的IP地址构建。 不得使用FQDN。 IMS Flow Set Termination / IMS流集合终止

The RCS client should ensure that an IMS flow set is released in the network before the conditions for the existence cease to exist, e.g. prior to the release of the bearer the IMS flow set makes use of.

The IMS flow set shall be terminated by the client by sending a de-registration request to the network using the IMS flow set to be terminated. If there is one or more ongoing session on the IMS flow set, these shall be released first.
IMS流集合将由客户端通过使用要被终止的IMS流集合向网络发送撤销注册请求来终止。 如果IMS流集上有一个或多个正在进行的会话,则应首先释放这些会话。 Loss of Connection to P-CSCF / 到P-CSCF的连接的丢失

If the connection to the P-CSCF fails (e.g. TCP time-out) the RCS client should select another P-CSCF address from the list of addresses obtained during the P-CSCF discovery in accordance with their priority indication.

If the P-CSCF discovery is based on the IMS management object and it contains one or more FQDNs, then the client shall invoke the [RFC3263] FQDN resolution anew. A different P-CSCF address shall be selected from the name resolution result in accordance with their priorities and weights.
如果P-CSCF发现基于IMS管理对象并且其包含一个或多个FQDN,则客户端将重新调用[RFC3263] FQDN解析。 根据它们的优先级和权重,从名称解析结果中选择不同的P-CSCF地址。

The client shall then send a new initial registration using the new discovered P-CSCF address.
然后,客户端将使用新发现的P-CSCF地址发送新的初始注册。 Loss of Connectivity / 连接丢失

If a RCS client discovers that connectivity has been lost then it should attempt to re- establish the connection.

For a client that is not enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi or a client enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi that is not configured to share the registration between RCS and Multimedia Telephony, when connectivity has been resumed then;

  • If the IP address has been changed and the transport protocol setting for the new connection (as derived from the Management Object defined in section 2.2.1 of [PRD-RCC.15] for the new access network type) is the same as for the lost connection and the IMS registration is not yet expired, the client shall perform a new initial registration to the P-CSCF address of the last IMS flow set in use.
    如果IP地址已更改,并且新连接的传输协议设置(从新接入网络类型的[PRD-RCC.15]的2.2.1节中定义的管理对象派生)与 丢失连接和IMS注册尚未到期,则客户端将对正在使用的最后一个IMS流集的P-CSCF地址执行新的初始注册。
  • If the IP address has not been changed and the IMS registration is not yet expired, the client shall perform a re-registration using the existing IMS flow set if the IP address has not been changed and the IMS registration is not yet expired. To minimize the network impact in cases of unstable connectivity conditions the client should hold a minimum re-registration time in which no such re-registration requests are sent. The minimum re-registration time should be typically in the range of 3-5 minutes.
    如果IP地址未更改并且IMS注册尚未过期,则如果IP地址未更改且IMS注册尚未过期,则客户端将使用现有IMS流集执行重新注册。 为了在不稳定的连接性条件的情况下最小化网络影响,客户端应当保持最小重新注册时间,其中不发送这样的重新注册请求。 最小重新注册时间通常在3-5分钟的范围内。
  • In all other cases, the client shall perform a new P-CSCF discovery and a new initial registration.

NOTE: The registration or re-registration may trigger delivery of messages stored in the network during the absence of connectivity.
注意:注册或重新注册可能会在没有连接时触发网络中存储的消息的传送。 Detection of Connection Loss in RCS Clients with no Bearer Control Capabilities / 在没有承载控制能力的RCS客户端中检测连接丢失

RCS client implementations may have no capability to identify the cause of a connection loss due to missing bearer control capabilities.

These clients should identify the cause of a loss of connectivity via the following procedure.

  • If the client detects a connection loss during a P-CSCF signalling interaction (e.g. TCP time-out), then it shall attempt the procedure defined in section
  • Only if a new IMS flow set is established with an alternative P-CSCF the client shall release the IMS flow set used for the old P-CSCF locally.
  • If the connection establishment to the alternative P-CSCF or other targets in the network fails (e.g. DNS Server) then the client shall assume loss of connectivity and act as defined in section
  • If the client detects a connection loss during network interactions other than signalling with the P-CSCF (e.g. media connection, auto-configuration server) then the client shall assume loss of connectivity.

2.4.8 Loss of Registration / 注册丢失

When the client receives a SIP response to a non-REGISTER request that is either:

  • 403 Forbidden without a warning header, or
  • 504 Server Timeout containing a P-Asserted-Identity URI matching a URI received during registration in Service-Route or Path header field and containing a 3GPP IM CN subsystem XML body with the child element with the child element set to “restoration” and the child element set to “initial- registration”
    504服务器超时包含匹配在服务路由或路径报头字段中注册期间接收的URI的P-Asserted-Identity URI,并且包含具有子元素的子元素的3GPP IM CN子系统XML主体 设置为“恢复”,并将子元素设置为“初始注册”

(indicating loss of registration due to change of IP, expiration, network problem), the client shall attempt to register again using the procedure in section 2.4.5. When successful the client shall resend the request that caused the error response. If this fails for 5 consecutive retries though, no further attempt shall be made and an error should be shown to the user. For all services except One-to-One Chat, the retry procedures will also be stopped if it takes longer than 5 seconds. Also in that case an error message should be shown to the user.
(指示由于IP改变,到期,网络问题导致的注册丢失),客户端将使用第2.4.5节中的过程再次尝试注册。 当成功时,客户端将重新发送导致错误响应的请求。 如果这5次连续重试失败,则不应进行进一步尝试,并且应向用户显示错误。 对于除一对一聊天以外的所有服务,如果重试过程花费超过5秒钟,也将停止。 在这种情况下,应该向用户显示错误消息。

NOTE: On receiving a 403 Forbidden response a client may before re-Registration first attempt to send a SIP request to his own URI and only re-Register if that request results in a 403 Forbidden response.

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