2.2 RCS devices and client types / RCS设备和客户端类型

RCS defines two types of devices:

  1. Primary device: a device carrying a SIM that is associated with the identity (i.e. IMPU\/MSISDN) used for RCS. Two types of RCS clients exist for such a device that connect directly to the IMS:
    主设备:携带与用于RCS的身份(即,INPUT \/ MSISDN)相关联的SIM的设备。 对于直接连接到IMS的这样的设备,存在两种类型的RCS客户端:

    a) RCS embedded client: This is the client that is provided as part of the handset implementation and it is fully integrated with the native applications (address book, gallery\/file browser application, calling application, etc.). This type of RCS client shall represent the identity of the device as per [PRD- NG.102] when enabled for VoLTE and VoWiFi. Otherwise section 2.4.2 and [3GPP TS 24.229] apply and the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) shall be used in sip.instance during registration.
    RCS嵌入式客户端:这是作为手机实现的一部分提供的客户端,它与本地应用程序(地址簿,图库\/文件浏览器应用程序,调用应用程序等)完全集成。 当为VoLTE和VoWiFi启用时,此类型的RCS客户端将按照[PRD-NG.102]表示设备的身份。 否则,2.4.2节和[3GPP TS 24.229]适用,国际移动台设备标识(IMEI)应在注册期间使用。
    b) RCS downloadable client: This is a client providing its own IMS connectivity that may be preinstalled or that has to be downloaded by the user. However it is not part of the device base software (i.e. it has no access to internal Application Programming Interfaces [APIs] and advanced Operating System [OS] functionality). The level of integration with the native applications is limited to the possibilities permitted by the corresponding mobile OS or OS platform API. Consequently, the RCS client shall represent the identity of the device as per section 2.4.2, but, the IMEI shall not be used in sip.instance during registration.
    RCS可下载客户端:这是提供其自己的IMS连接的客户端,其可以是预安装的或者必须由用户下载。 然而,它不是设备基本软件的一部分(即,它不能访问内部应用编程接口[API]和高级操作系统[OS]功能)。 与本地应用的集成水平限于相应的移动OS或OS平台API所允许的可能性。 因此,RCS客户端应根据第2.4.2节来表示设备的身份,但是在注册期间不应在SIP中使用IMEI。

    NOTE1: Next to this, there may also be downloadable clients that use terminal APIs (e.g. [PRD-RCC.53]) to access the RCS functionality that is provided by a device’s RCS embedded client. This type of client is not considered in this document because it does not alter the UNI which is handled by the device’s RCS embedded client.
    注1:在此之后,还可能有可下载的客户端使用终端API(例如[PRD-RCC.53])来访问由设备的RCS嵌入式客户端提供的RCS功能。 在本文档中不考虑此类型的客户端,因为它不会更改由设备的RCS嵌入式客户端处理的UNI。

  2. Secondary device: a device that does not carry a SIM that is associated to the identity used for RCS

    NOTE2: It may happen that a secondary device carries a SIM (e.g. a tablet or PC providing cellular data connectivity). That SIM will be associated to a different identity than the one used for RCS though.
    注2:可能发生次要设备携带SIM(例如,提供蜂窝数据连接的平板电脑或PC)的情况。 该SIM将与用于RCS的身份不同的身份相关联。

RCS services can also be deployed using an identity that is not linked to a mobile network (e.g. a fixed-line telephone number or other identity). [PRD-RCC.14] describes in section 2.6 a generic mechanism for the configuration of such clients. Because it will be dependent on the use case, it is out of scope of this document how an identity is assigned to such devices and on which basis they are considered as a primary or secondary device.
还可以使用未链接到移动网络的标识(例如,固定线路电话号码或其他标识)来部署RCS服务。 [PRD-RCC.14]在2.6节描述了这种客户机的配置的通用机制。 因为它将取决于使用情况,所以如何将身份分配给这样的设备在本文档的范围之外,并且在那个基础上它们被认为是主要或次要设备。

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