2.3 Configuration Procedures / 配置过程

A user can only initiate the use of RCS services once their client is configured and the corresponding subscriber (uniquely identified by the relevant IMS Unique Resource Identifier [URI]; that is a tel URI and/or a SIP URI) is provisioned by the RCS Service Provider to access the RCS services.
一旦用户的客户端被配置并且相应的订户(由相关的IMS唯一资源标识符[URI]唯一地标识,即tel URI和/或SIP URI)由RCS提供,则用户只能发起对RCS服务的使用 服务提供商访问RCS服务。

Both processes should be performed automatically (e.g. when a subscriber first turns on their RCS capable device and connects with their Service Provider). This gives the end user the impression that the RCS services are working out of the box and minimises operational impacts to Service Providers.
这两个过程应当自动执行(例如,当订户首先打开其具有RCS能力的设备并且与其服务提供商连接时)。 这给最终用户的印象是RCS服务是开箱即用的,并且最小化对服务提供商的操作影响。

2.3.1 First-time Start of an RCS capable device / 首次启动具有RCS功能的设备

A mobile network offering RCS services to its subscriber base should be able to detect when a user connects to the network for the first time with an RCS capable device. Upon detecting a user connection, two processes are triggered to execute:
向其订户基础提供RCS服务的移动网络应当能够检测用户首次使用具有RCS能力的设备连接到网络的时间。 在检测到用户连接时,触发两个进程执行:

  1. Service provisioning: the process whereby the relevant configuration is performed on the network elements to make the RCS services available to the user (e.g. provisioning an account on the IMS core and relevant application servers).

    NOTE1: In addition to this auto-provisioning on first usage, the service may be provisioned in advance by the Service Provider.

  2. Client configuration: the process whereby the network provides the client with its configuration using one of the mechanisms described in section 2.3.3.

As shown in the Figure 4, an RCS capable device must successfully complete service provisioning and configuration procedures before it can be used. The service provisioning and configuration procedure may be triggered in a variety of different ways, including

  • An RCS capable device is powered on: as a result, the network may be able to identify or detect that the user/device pair can use RCS services and, as a consequence, trigger the relevant device configuration procedures described in more detail later in this section.

    NOTE2: The triggering process is network specific and outside the scope of this specification.

  • The RCS capable device may also be able to perform a customised bootstrap operation (also, named factory bootstrap) to trigger a client-initiated Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA-DM) session towards an OMA-DM server for client configuration purposes.

An alternative to this automated mechanism could be a manually triggered configuration (e.g. by a menu item or requested by an operator in a store).

If not configured, the default behaviour for RCS shall be to not offer the RCS services and to disable the RCS specific service entry points.
如果没有配置,RCS的默认行为应该是不提供RCS服务和禁用RCS特定服务入口点。 First-time use scenario / 第一次使用场景

The assumption in this scenario is that User A is entitled to access RCS services (because for example User A’s tariff includes the ability to use the RCS services) however User A has never used an RCS-capable device before.

Prior to the first-time registration, it is necessary to provision the user on the network (e.g. by auto-provisioning) and to configure the user’s RCS client with the correct settings as described further in this section 2.3. When the provisioning and client configuration is completed, the first-time registration procedure can take place.
在第一次注册之前,有必要在网络上(例如通过自动配置)提供用户并且使用如本部分2.3中进一步描述的正确设置来配置用户的RCS客户端。 当配置和客户端配置完成时,可以进行第一次注册过程。

RCS first-time registration consists of the following:

  1. Register (as described in section 2.4)
  2. Establish (i.e. find) a subset among User A’s existing contacts (if any) who are also RCS users (as described in section 2.6.2).

Figure 4: First-Time Start of an RCS capable device - Sequence Diagram / 图4:支持RCS的设备的首次启动 - 序列图 Additional first-time configuration scenarios / 其他首次配置场景

In addition to the scenario described in the section (first time the user registers with the IMS network), there are several additional scenarios where the same sequence applies:

  • When the user changes to another RCS enabled device: In this scenario, the sequence is identical to that described in section; however, the IMS provisioning process (i.e. provisioning IMS and RCS AS accounts) is not required as it has already been performed for this subscriber.
    当用户更改为另一个启用RCS的设备时:在此方案中,序列与第2.3.1.1节中描述的相同; 然而,不需要IMS配置过程(即,提供IMS和RCS AS帐户),因为它已经为该订户执行。
  • When a customer changes the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card in the device: In this scenario, the sequence is identical to the one described in the section
  • A configuration update is required that implies changes in the user’s IMS identity (that is a different tel URI and/or SIP URI). In this scenario, the sequence is identical to the one described in the section
    需要配置更新,这意味着用户的IMS身份(即不同的tel URI和/或SIP URI)的更改。 在这种情况下,序列与2.3.1.1节中描述的相同。
  • A configuration update is required that implies the use of a different capability discovery mechanism: As described in section 2.6, switching the capability discovery mechanism parameter automatically triggers the RCS first-time registration process. This parameter is described in Annex A (section A.1.10).
    需要配置更新,这意味着使用不同的能力发现机制:如第2.6节所述,切换能力发现机制参数会自动触发RCS第一次注册过程。 该参数在附件A(A.1.10节)中描述。

2.3.2 Client configuration parameters / 客户端配置参数

The set of client configuration settings is presented in Annex A Managed objects and configuration parameters.

All the RCS client configuration parameters must be restricted from being modified by the user.

In a device enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi that is configured to share a registration between RCS and Multimedia Telephony (see the configuration parameter RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION defined in section A.1.7), the default IMS settings as defined in [PRD- IR.92]/[PRD-IR.51] are used on cellular and EPC-integrated Wi-Fi access respectively. Therefore, as stated in section of [PRD-RCC.15], some client configuration parameters referred to in section of [PRD-RCC.15] are not used in this case.
在配置为在RCS和多媒体电话之间共享注册的启用了VoLTE或VoWiFi的设备中(参见第A.1.7节中定义的配置参数RCS VOLTE SINGLE REGISTRATION),默认IMS设置如[PRD-IR.92 ] / [PRD-IR.51]分别用于蜂窝和EPC集成的Wi-Fi接入。因此,如[PRD-RCC.15]的第3.1.1.1节所述,在这种情况下不使用[PRD-RCC.15]的第3.1.1.2节中提及的一些客户端配置参数。

NOTE: Secondary devices (see section 2.2) cannot be enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi. Similarly downloadable clients (see section 2.2) do not have sufficient device integration to behave as a device that is enabled for VoLTE or VoWiFi.

Following a successful configuration, the provided settings are active/updated and used on RCS client and the RCS client is ready to register with the network. Once this registration process has successfully completed, the user is able to make use of the RCS services.

These client configuration parameters could also be updated later by the Service Provider by pushing new configuration documents using the OMA-DM enabler or the HTTP configuration mechanisms defined in section 2.3.3.

2.3.3 RCS client autoconfiguration mechanisms / RCS客户端自动配置机制 Overview / 概述

This specification provides two mechanisms that can be used to perform the autoconfiguration of the configuration parameters controlling the RCS functionality in terminals carrying the SIM associated with an RCS user’s main identity:

  1. [OMA-DM]: This is based on the managed object configuration outlined in Annex A, section A.2. If the RCS capable device supports [OMA-DM], then the following requirements shall be supported by the device:

    • Multiple management authorities in which the Service Provider Device Management accounts are persistent, non-editable and non-visible to an RCS user (e.g. Software (SW) updates do not delete/overwrite DM accounts) and are only accessible to the respective active Service Provider DM account (protected by the OMA-DM Access Control List (ACL) mechanism).
    • The active Service Provider’s DM account should be selected and activated after a SIM card change.
    • The RCS configuration parameters are protected against non-Service Provider authorities (through the OMA-DM ACL mechanism).
      RCS配置参数受到非服务提供者授权(通过OMA-DM ACL机制)的保护。
    • Each RCS Service Provider should have its own RCS Management Object (MO) sub-tree and the OMA-DM account shall have access to the device settings (e.g. for the purpose of access settings configuration).
    • The ‘active’ Service Provider’s RCS MO sub-tree needs to be visible to that Service Provide (i.e. not to the end-user), selected and activated after a SIM card change.
      “活动”服务提供商的RCS MO子树需要对该服务提供(即不是最终用户)可见,在SIM卡更改后选择和激活。
    • An RCS capable device shall support the customised bootstrap procedure (also, named factory bootstrap).That means the Service Provider OMA-DM account, including OMA-DM server address, is pre-loaded into the device at factory phase. This procedure is specified in section of OMA Device Management Bootstrap (see [OMA-DM]). The customised bootstrap triggers a client-initiated management session from the RCS capable device towards a pre-provisioned OMA-DM server (operated by the Service Provider which the device is subscribing to, i.e. the Home Public Land Mobile Network (HPLMN)). This provides an OMA-DM client with the possibility to initiate and perform the RCS autoconfiguration procedure.
    • The scenarios under which a device shall perform the factory bootstrap procedure[1], are as follows:
      • When a device is switched on for the first time;
      • When a factory reset was performed;
      • When a user changes the SIM card on the device and there is no stored configuration for the new SIM;
      • After a device software update is applied which introduces or extends the RCS client functionality in the terminal
    • After successfully processing the customised bootstrap procedure, the DM client of an RCS capable device shall automatically initiate a management session to the DM server configured in the bootstrap at the next practical opportunity[2] (that is when network connectivity and other factors would allow such a connection to occur).

    [1] 当在不同设备中使用配置的SIM时,服务提供商网络可以触发OMA-DM配置。
    [2] 与OMA DM 1.2.1规范相比,这是一个额外的要求

  2. Another client configuration mechanism defined in [PRD-RCC.14] including the enhancements described in section 2.1 of [PRD-RCC.15] of which the RCS use is described in section, is based on the (Secure) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) and has the following main goals:
    [PRD-RCC.14]中定义的另一个客户端配置机制,包括在[PRD-RCC.15]的2.1节中描述的增强,其中RCS的使用在2.3.3.2节中描述,基于(安全) 超文本传输协议(HTTP / HTTPS),并具有以下主要目标:

    • Enabling a configuration procedure that is transparent to the RCS user
    • Reducing the complexity of the auto-detection mechanism on the network infrastructure

For the configuration of additional RCS capable devices (i.e. devices not carrying the SIM associated with a subscriber’s main identity), the HTTP(S) mechanism shall be used as described in [PRD-RCC.14] and [PRD-RCC.15] for such devices.
对于附加的具有RCS能力的设备(即,不携带与订户的主要身份相关联的SIM的设备)的配置,应如[PRD-RCC.14]和[PRD-RCC.15]中所述使用HTTP(S) 。

NOTE: Although RCS provides different mechanisms to perform the auto- configuration, the configured parameters remain the same and are independent of the mechanism that is used. The used mechanism only determines the used protocol and the encoding of the parameters between the client and the network.
注意:虽然RCS提供了不同的机制来执行自动配置,但配置的参数保持不变,并且与所使用的机制无关。 所使用的机制仅确定所使用的协议和客户端与网络之间的参数的编码。 RCS use of HTTP(S) based client configuration / RCS使用基于HTTP(S)的客户端配置

An RCS device supporting HTTP configuration as described in [PRD-RCC.14] shall support all enhancements described in section 2.1 of [PRD-RCC.15] including those relying on End User Configuration Requests (EUCR) covered in sections 2.1.2 and of [PRD- RCC.15].
支持[PRD-RCC.14]中描述的HTTP配置的RCS设备应支持[PRD-RCC.15]第2.1节中描述的所有增强功能,包括那些依赖于第2.1.2节所述的最终用户配置请求(EUCR) [PRD-RCC.15]的2.1.3.1。

Next to the parameters defined for the different generic cases in [PRD-RCC.14], an RCS client shall also include the following information as HTTP GET parameters in the configuration requests:
在[PRD-RCC.14]中为不同通用情况定义的参数旁边,RCS客户端还应在配置请求中包括以下信息作为HTTP GET参数:

Parameter Description Mandatory Format
rcs_state This is either -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 or a positive integer. 0 indicates that the RCS configuration must be updated (e.g. the configuration is damaged; non-existent or an update is needed following a SIM change).
A positive value indicates the version of the configuration document in which the last RCS configuration was received i.e. in most cases this will match the value of the generic versparameter defined in [PRD-RCC.14].
-1 indicates that the operator has disabled the RCS services on the device/client (i.e. the last configuration document included a RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter set to -1).
-2 Indicates that RCS is disabled on the device, but a configuration query might be triggered on user action (i.e. the last configuration document included a RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter set to -2).
-3 indicates that RCS is in a dormant state (i.e. no registration) in a way that is transparent to the user (i.e. the last configuration document included a RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter set to -3).
-4 indicates that the user has explicitly disabled the RCS services on the device/client.
Y Int (-4,-3, -2, -1, 0 or a positive integer)
rcs_version String that identifies the RCS version supported by the client.
For this release it shall be set to “6.0” (without the quotes)
Y String (4 max), Case-Sensitive
rcs_profile String that identifies a fixed set of RCS services that are supported by the client. The services that are supported and the value to be used for the rcs_profile parameter to reference to this set are to be defined in external documents (e.g. a Service Provider’s RCS Service definition document).
In case multiple, (potentially overlapping) sets are supported the parameter shall be included multiple times
N String (15 max), Case-Sensitive
client_vendor String that identifies the vendor providing the RCS client. Y String (4 max), Case-Sensitive
client_version String that identifies the RCS client version.

client_version_value = Platform "-" VersionMajor "." VersionMinor
Platform = Alphanumeric (9 max)
VersionMajor = Number (2 char max)
VersionMinor = Number (2 char max)

Y String(15 max), Case-Sensitive
default_sms_ap p This is either 0,1 or 2
1. indicates that the OS does not allow user to select SMS application or the client cannot identify the selected SMS application
2. indicates that the RCS messaging client is selected as the default SMS application
3. indicates that the RCS messaging client is not selected as the default SMS application
N, only mandatory for client platforms supporting SMS (i.e. primary devices) Int (0,1,2)
default_vvm_ap p This is either 0 or 1
1. or absent indicates that the RCS messaging client is not selected as the default VM application.
2. indicates that the RCS messaging client is selected as the default VM application
N, only mandatory for client platforms supporting VVM client (i.e. primary devices) Int (0,1)

Table 2: HTTP configuration: additional RCS specific HTTPS request GET parameters / 表2:HTTP配置:额外的RCS特定HTTPS请求GET参数

When the RCS client is enabled (i.e. last received configuration did not include the RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter, see section A.1.1), a change by the user of the selected SMS application that would result in a different value of the default_sms_app parameter shall also trigger a configuration query.
当启用RCS客户端(即上次接收到的配置不包括RCS DISABLED STATE配置参数,请参阅第A.1.1节)时,所选SMS应用程序的用户更改将导致default_sms_app参数的值不同 也触发配置查询。

When the RCS client is enabled (i.e. last received configuration did not include the RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter, see section A.1.1), a change by the user of the selected VVM application that would result in a different value of the default_vvm_app parameter shall also trigger a configuration query.
当启用RCS客户端(即上次接收的配置不包括RCS DISABLED STATE配置参数,请参阅第A.1.1节)时,所选VVM应用程序的用户更改将导致default_vvm_app参数的值不同 也触发配置查询。 RCS client management / RCS客户端管理

During configuration the service provider may want to control the general state of the RCS client (e.g. disable it) without affecting the other services configured through the same configuration document. This shall be done through the generic RCS DISABLED STATE client configuration parameter defined in section A.1.1. Only if not included, other RCS settings shall be included in the configuration document. The client shall ignore any such settings if included when also the RCS DISABLED STATE parameter is included in the document.
在配置期间,服务提供商可能想要控制RCS客户端的一般状态(例如禁用它),而不影响通过相同配置文档配置的其他服务。 这将通过在A.1.1节中定义的通用RCS DISABLED STATE客户端配置参数来完成。 仅当不包括时,其他RCS设置才应包括在配置文档中。 如果还包括文档中包含RCS DISABLED STATE参数,则客户端将忽略任何此类设置。

If the Service Provider chooses to temporary disable RCS functionality on the device/client, the RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter shall be set to 0.
如果服务提供商选择临时禁用设备/客户端上的RCS功能,则RCS DISABLED STATE配置参数应设置为0。

If the Service Provider chooses to permanently disable the RCS functionality on an RCS capable device/client, the RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter shall be set to - 1.
如果服务提供商选择永久禁用RCS功能的设备/客户端上的RCS功能,则RCS DISABLED STATE配置参数应设置为-1。

If the SIM is swapped or the device is reset, the RCS capable device shall again set the rcs_state parameter defined in Table 2 to 0 in the queries for configuration settings.

If the Service Provider chooses to disable the RCS functionality on an RCS capable device/client until there is a UI dependent user action triggering a new query, the RCS DISABLED STATE parameter shall be set to -2.
如果服务提供者选择在具有RCS能力的设备/客户端上禁用RCS功能,直到存在触发新查询的UI依赖用户动作,则RCS DISABLED STATE参数将被设置为-2。

If the SIM is swapped or the device is reset or the user triggers the UI dependent action, the RCS capable device shall initiate a configuration request including the rcs_state parameter set to 0.

If the Service Provider chooses to put the RCS functionality on an RCS capable device/client in a dormant state, the RCS DISABLED STATE parameter shall be set to -3.
如果服务提供商选择将RCS功能放置在处于休眠状态的RCS功能设备/客户端上,则RCS DISABLED STATE参数应设置为-3。

The RCS client shall after receiving such a response behave as follows:

  • It shall perform the configuration queries as if it were configured with a valid document (e.g. it performs a query at reboot, when an SMS requesting reconfiguration is received, etc.). In those queries it shall provide as value for the rcs_state parameter ‘-3’.
  • The existing configuration document remains valid (i.e. a response with the RCS DISABLED STATE parameter set to ‘-3’ shall be handled in this aspect as if the rcs_state parameter matched the current version available in the client).
    现有配置文档保持有效(即,在此方面应处理RCS DISABLED STATE参数设置为“-3”的响应,如同rcs_state参数与客户端中可用的当前版本匹配)。
  • It shall not register into the IMS until a subsequent configuration query results in a configuration XML that does not contain the RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter. If it was registered when the document with the RCS DISABLED STATE configuration parameter set to ‘-3’ is received, the client shall unregister.
    在后续配置查询导致不包含RCS DISABLED STATE配置参数的配置XML之前,它不会注册到IMS中。如果接收到具有RCS DISABLED STATE配置参数设置为“-3”的文档时注册,则客户端将取消注册。
  • All RCS services entry points shall remain available (including those that base on cached capabilities). When the user activates RCS through one of those capabilities, the client shall:
    • Perform a configuration query providing as value for the version parameter the version of the latest configuration document that was received by the client (i.e. a positive value) including the rcs_state parameter with as value the version of the last configuration document that included a full RCS configuration (i.e. not including the RCS DISABLED STATE parameter).
      执行配置查询,提供版本参数的值客户端接收的最新配置文档的版本(即正值),包括rcs_state参数作为值包含完整RCS的最后一个配置文档的版本 配置(即不包括RCS DISABLED STATE参数)。
    • If a new configuration document is received or the previously received document is still valid, apply that document, register into the IMS and perform a capability query to verify that the requested action is possible. If not the action is not possible, inform the user of this situation. Keep RCS active afterwards.
      如果接收到新的配置文档或先前接收的文档仍然有效,则应用该文档,注册到IMS中并执行能力查询以验证所请求的动作是否可能。 如果不可能,则向用户通知这种情况。 以后保持RCS活动。
    • If an error or a document with a negative version is returned, inform the user that RCS is not available at that time.
    • Provide an indication to the user during these actions to show that RCS is being activated
  • These actions to activate RCS shall also be performed when a SMS message requesting reconfiguration is received.

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