2.10 End User Confirmation Requests / 最终用户确认请求

RCS clients shall support the End User Confirmation Request enabler as defined in [PRD- RCC.15] section 3.1.

The following list shows the defined system requests in this RCS specification in addition to the generic ones described in [PRD-RCC.15]:

Type Data Action
urn:gsma:rcs:ext ension:control List of (<IARI>,<duration>) separated by ‘;’ Prevent each Extension from the list identified by their IARIs to access the RCS infrastructure for the duration provided (in seconds).
A duration of 0 indicates that the Extension shall be permanently prevented from using the RCS infrastructure.
A <IARI> is formatted in the following way: urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp-application.ims.iari.rcs.ext.<identifier>

Table 27: List of System Requests in RCS / 表27:RCS中的系统请求列表

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